Explanation of speech, language, communication and speech, language and communication needs 1.1 Children and adults use speech, language and communication to interact with others, to help them explore the environment, to make sense of everyday experiences, access information and understand concepts, as well as organise thoughts and formulate ideas and to help them express their own feelings and to understand the feelings of others (Children and Young People’s Workforce Cache level 3). Speech is the faculty or act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by the articulation of words. It is a part of verbal or oral communication (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/speech). Language is often used to describe the process of speaking and listening. This is part of communication. At birth to one year, a baby can communicate without words, whereas at one to four years of age every aspect of language seems to move forward rapidly at this time. Finally at four to eight years old, children build on what they know about communication with themselves, as well as with other people. They begin to develop the coherent expression of thought, ideas and feelings, and they also start to use more conventional grammar patterns which helps the child express what they are feeling or thinking. It also helps them develop speech, language and communication as they can listen and communicate, as well as socialise with others whilst gaining words and knowledge from them. Even though people communicate verbally, they also communicate through gestures and body language which is non-verbal. We use language and speech to communicate our feeling to others as well as expressing our needs, for instance if we would like a drink then we will ask for one. Babies and young children use other ways to communicate their needs and feelings to other people, using for example body language, gestures and facial expressions as they
Bibliography: * Children and Young People’s Workforce Cache level 3, 2011, [book], Doreen Tombs, Hodder Education * http://www.thefreedictionary.com/speech [online] free dictionary 2012 * http://www.school-portal.co.uk/GroupDownloadFile.asp?GroupId=716966&ResourceID=2639560 [online] school portal 2008 (page 12) * http://speechclinic.wordpress.com/2009/05/21/the-long-term-impact-of-early-speech-language-and-communication-difficulties/ [online] speech clinic 2009 * http://www.thecommunicationtrust.org.uk/media/12886/slcn_tools_evaluating-outcomes_1_.pdf [online] the communication trust (page 3)