The 19th century of China opened with a broad reform of institutions, particularly in the military system. As a result, the revolution occurs and “followed by the breakup of China as the leaders of autonomous armies fought for power” (Dreyer 1). Kuomintang Party stood against the Communist Party and waged a massive civil war mainly in Northeast part of China, “ending only with the victory of communists on the mainland in 1949” (Dreyer 1). In the middle of the civil war, the aggression of the Japanese dragged China into the tragedy of the Second World War.…
Japan and China had many contrasting responses to western penetration in the nineteenth century, including economic interaction - economically China suffered and Japan prospered, Japanese agricultural productivity increased while China’s did not, and China only accepted a small amount of goods while Japan accepted a wide range of goods- and political interaction - China went to war but Japan did not, Japan adopted western learning styles but China did not, and Japan heavily increased taxes on their people after 1890, while China did not -but had very comparable geographic traits – both had ocean borders – Japan was completely surrounded by water while China was bordered on a large percentage of itself, both kept their ports either fully closed, like Japan which completely isolated itself in the beginning, or like China which opened a only limited number of ports and cities to trade, and both conducted their trade – China with Britain, Japan with America – by boat across the ocean.…
Political reform in China occurred during the 1800’s during the time of the Qing dynasty which was ruled by a Manchu minority. There were many anti-western sentiments during this time in China but after the Opium wars, the Chinese realized that they would need to adapt to western standards if they wanted to be a super power. They passed reforms to adapt to western learning and technology while still maintain Chinese values. In the year 1899, the Boxer rebellion also occurred in China which was a rebellion by the Chinese against Japanese and Western influence in the country.…
From 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E., Japan experienced unexpected political and economic transformation, yet the cultural continuities were much perserved. It was during this time period that the Japanese government became more politically centralized and economically flourishing. Meanwhile, the cultural traditions were much maintained, though new forms existed.…
The imperialism of Japan was used to build a stronger military, advancing as a world power, and earn a high spot…
A national land tax system was established that required payment in money instead of rice, which allowed the government to stabilize the national budget." (Huand, Week 3 lecture, p.3). It wasn't smooth sailing for Japan to get there, During these changes there were muiltiple rebellions but they were all shut down the the new national army. In 1894 Japan went to war with China and the Japanese navy quickly sunk China's fleet, and in 1905 Japan went to war with Russia. Russia was defeated by Japan and was the first east country to do so.…
Japan had been trying to increase its political standing and remove itself from what it saw as unequal treaties with Western nations. It embarked on a process of modernization. Frustrated by years of colonial dominance and a desire for natural resources, Japan began its own version of imperialism. Japan had utilized a sneak attack at Port Arthur, China to Attack Russia forces. The Japanese were victorious in the Russo-Japanese war.…
1860 (In Meiji period): sending people in the United States to learn who these people are, their lifestyles, etc. (first encounter of racism). No caste system, confrontation with social Darwinism. Japan is launching into creating a nation; an empire. Expansion of the empire by forming equal treaty with Korea. 1894-5: First Sino-Japanese war with China. Outcome of this war: Japan established a public government in Seoul. Japan occupies Korea and Manchuria + Formosa (Taiwan) were under Japan’s dominance. 1904-5: Conflict for control of Korea and Manchuria. Japan (victorious) against Russia. Japanese empire defeated a Western towel (a big event in media; lots of novel written –science-fiction-, yellow creatures are invading the western continent, fear/taking over of the world by the yellow race) Japan situated on the same power as westerners. After the Russo-Japanese war: Japan start to build infrastructures in Korea. Multi-cultural army (no need to be Japanese in order to be in the Japanese army). Japanese army encouraged intermarriage between different nations within the army. The nation-state is struggling between multi-ethnicity and mono-ethnicity. Tend to think that Japan is a mono-cultural and mono-ethnic country now, but it is not true. Japan is a…
Japan and China both had contrasting responses to the Western Penetration during the 19th Century. China rejected the idea of westernization, while Japan embraced it, and used it to their advantage. When western technology was introduced, China resisted it, while Japan gladly accepted it. When it came to trade China only accepted a small amount of goods while Japan accepted a wide range of goods. In the long run China isolating itself did not have a positive turnout, but Japan flourished and was successful because it embraced westernization.…
China and Japan face many primary issues. Many years ago China and Japan become rivals. In the late 1800’s Japan and China went into a major war, calling this the Nanjing Massacre. In 1937 Japanese soldiers came into China and murdered, raped, and looted many of China’s people. One of their main issues is the economy. Before the 1980’s Japan was the giant of Asia, since than China has overpowered Japan, including taking over the United States as a major trading partner. Another issue is the oil pipeline off in the large oil fields in eastern Siberia. This issue took place in 2004 where Japan was bidding for their side to control the oil field and China was bidding for their side. Eventually Japan won.…
:As Japan developed they struggled to gain power to establish itself just as the western did.:…
China went through many significant changes and continuities. Many ideas that involved society, religion, innovations and arts were many of the things that either got modified or remained the same. In Ancient China between (221 B.C.E) to (1271 C.E) China had. To begin with, during China's earliest stages, it began with the Han Dynasty, where agriculture was the main focus but as time went on, the dynasty came to a halt and a new ruler would step in. This ruler's name was Sui Wen-Ti and during the Sui Dynasty he brought China back together until it hit its downfall around 618 C.E, and the Tang Dynasty took the opportunity to rise. During this dynasty, China became more stable with a strong central government, economic revolution, agriculture…
Western influence caused the decline to happen more abruptly. An example of this was the Opium Wars. British merchants began smuggling Opium into China. The opium itself contributed to the fall because some leaders and officials were addicted to it, which led to incapable rulers. When China attempted to stop this they ended up in a War with Great Britain and eventually other Western countries. Since China was not match for the military and weaponry advancements of the British they were easily defeated and forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing. The treaty allowed for the ports of China to be open to the British. Within years other Western countries also gained access to China’s ports. The Chinese were not open to change and not willing to have all their ports opened to Westerners, which caused another war that resulted in even more Western countries gaining access to even more ports. (Treaties of Tianjin (1858) France, Russia, and the United States). It also caused a lot more foreign influence and changes in China. China agreed to open 11 more ports, permit foreign legations in Beijing, sanction Christian missionary activity, and legalize the import of opium. Again China was not okay with the changes and their inability to deal with the changes and Britain’s determination to enforce the treaty led to a renewal of the war, in which British and French troops occupied Beijing and burned the imperial summer palace. This…
The United States change Japanese society since Japanese have adopted western technology and launched their own industrial revolution. In addition, it led to creating a powerful navy and begun building their own empire in Asia.…
Japan and China reacted differently to the reforms of Imperialism. When put under pressure, Japan succumbed to the power of Western Imperialist ideas. Conversely, China, resisted for a long time. As a result, Japan had more technology, while China was unenlightened of the new advances. Japan also gained more respect from other countries, that…