
China and Russia

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China and Russia
Apocalypse 02/21/2012
Voldemort Period 2

China And Russia. Yay.

During the 20th century, the world went through extensive changes both economically and politically. Communism, a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state, was introduced to the Middle East. Russia and China adopted this ideology which dramatically altered their countries. Both nations used the method of taking advantage of society during their most vulnerable state by overthrowing their former monarchies resulting in civil war, deteriorating the country by then enabling communism to be established easily; in contrast, China focused mainly on the peasant class during its transform, and was influenced by foreign and economic issues, while Russia’s main focus was the Proletariat, and their revolution favored the nationalistic influence. Revolutions arose rapidly across the lands, eventually bringing turmoil to Russia and China. On the contrary, China would recover and excel, aiding their potential to rising as one of the world’s strongest powers, while Russia would linger in defeat.
Both revolutions had to overcome strong political/military forces within the nation. Russian communists fought a long and bloody civil war against 'white' Russians, those who favored some sort of return to monarchy. The Bolshiks killed the Tsar along with his family. They looked to consolidate power during the civil war of 1918-1920. Lenin’s Communism was then introduced to Russia. Private property and trade was gotten rid of, major industry was left to be controlled by the government, but small businesses were allowed to operate in free market atmosphere, and an educational program was put in place. The Red Chinese fought against Nationalist Chinese, who were brutal in their own right but had at least some tolerance for civil liberties and economic freedom.The goal of the

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