In the story Red Scarf Girl by Ji Li Jiang, Ji Li Jiang is a model student and she has always been a determined person. Ji Li is a kindhearted girl that is always helpful to her classmates and has a good leadership. When Ji Li was little, she “[donated their] cast-iron kettle to [support Chairman Mao,] and when natural disasters had caused food shortages, she “[grew] pots of seaweed on the balcony”(27). This shows that Ji Li strongly believes in Chairman Mao and she tries to participate in the Cultural Revolution as much as she can. Ji Li “[knows that] the movement [of the campaign of destroying the fourolds is] vital to [their] country's future”(27) ,so she tries to help out anyway possible. Ji Li [feels…
In order to feel a sense of inclusion in society, Individuals must have a deep understanding of their own identity. Without an acceptance of their close and belief, Individuals bath face a sense of exclusion from society. In the novel, The chinaware Coin by Allan Baillie, Leah the protagonist refuses to accept her true identity which results in her not feeling a sense of belonging in society. This is contrasted in the film, Rabbit Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce, in which the protagonist, Molly has a deep understanding of her own/existing Aboriginal culture which assists in her overcoming all barriers and conclusion the…
* Leah and her mother Joan are on a plane to China in search of the origins of a mysterious half a coin that was sent to Joan from her father.…
4. What is Leah’s attitude to China at this stage of her journey? How do we know? (page 20-23)…
In The China Coin by Allan Baillie, Leah gains new insights about her sense of belonging during her time in China. This is revealed effectively through the composer’s use of narrative voice, flashback and descriptive language.…
Mary : good evening all the listeners, welcome back to the educational show ‘focus on belong’ from the radio station FM 101.9 at 18:30 , I’m Mary. Today is our pleasure to have the composer of a successful book ‘China Coin’ Allan Baillie to be here with us. We will talk about the idea of belonging that are presented in his book. Welcome Allan Baillie !(in an excited tone)…
Image having to decide how many chickens to trade for one cow, this would be very difficult. This is one of the challenging tasks people living thousands of years ago had to endure. This was done in order to maintain trading and economic transactions. Since the earliest of times currency has grown to be widespread and highly demanded. The use currency has made significant effects on the United States economy, allowing the transition from barter to banknotes. Since the influence of currency has carried on throughout United States history, traits of these influences still remain inscribed on currency The United States still uses today. In addition to high demand for currency there has been an equally high demand for the material gold.…
In “The China Coin”, Leah gains a new understanding of the society in which she struggles to partake. Leah’s intolerance towards the Chinese culture is presented through her inner monologue “I am being taken to a village so primitive they file their teeth and eat meat raw.” Although she fails to recognise her cultural identity, later “for the first time, Leah was thinking of Joan’s family as her family.” Similarly, Billy Elliot hesitates to enter the boxing hall and discover a new part of his identity. A long-shot showing Billy, swinging the door and being aggressively pushed by another boy, reinforces the idea that he is an outsider in the boxing world. The swinging door is a symbol of a barrier to ballet and rediscovery of a boy’s identity who is different than the others in the working class community. In addition, in the novel “Memoirs of a geisha”, Chiyo Sakamoto’s trajectory from being the daughter of a poor fisherman is illustrated as she becomes a renowned geisha. She recounts her discovery, saying that “it was as if the little girl named Chiyo, running barefoot from the pond to her tipsy house, no longer existed. I felt that this new girl, Sayuri, with her gleaming face and her red lips, had destroyed her.” Thus, discoveries can extensively compel individuals to affirm their perspectives on themselves and explore their new…
Throughout the film, Li shows that he struggles to adapt to a capitalist life in America and his homesickness because of no longer seeing his love ones on a regular basis. During the film, Li often had nightmares of his family in China getting punished because of his decision to stay in America and betray his country. Cunxin frequently expresses his struggle to adapt to a non-communist country and feels that you should never question the government. Loyalty has always been a big factor of Li’s personality especially when he expressed that Chairman Mao “is leading us to the first stage of communism”. This suggest to the audience that Li is not realizing the struggle his country is going through compared to America and that adaptation was one of the obstacles he had to overcome. Through this, the film shows that it is a struggle to live without your love ones.…
In ‘The China Coin’, the main character Leah and Joan went on a journey to China in purpose to find out the mystery of the broken coin. As the journey progresses, this ultimately gives them a sense of their Chinese identity and belonging and this brings a positive change in both of them. Baillie depicted that the characters gained new insight and understanding of themselves through the journey by using numbers of techniques. Compelling adjectives” evil aunt”, “snake woman” compares Leah’s attitude towards Joan, and effectively to show that Leah’s maturity has been developing. Written in the first person and used of monologue “you are not Chinese; you don’t even look like them.” In this quote, Baillie illustrates Leah’s inner thoughts which reveal her sense of no belonging with China. However as the plot continuous, Leah’s belonging starts to change with mainly influence through the continues experience of social environment. ‘Now shanghai was as familiar as Chatswood’. It is not her wiliness but her experience which has made her open up her mind slowly towards China. From this we can see the individual’s attitudes to belonging over time.…
In "The China Coin" written by Allan Baillie, the main characters Leah and Joan went on a journey to china in purpose to find out the mystery of the broken coin. As the journey progresses, Leah learns to be independent to look after herself and help Li-Nan with some easy job when Joan was in the hospital. She gains understand of her cultural heritage. This is shown in her attitude toward the journey is changing from being uninterested to passionate and joyful. Leah gain new insight by learning to be patient and understanding. This is shown when she realized the Joan has bad memories of riots in Singapore in younger pf her age, which leads the over protectiveness and furious action was taken by Joan when Leah in the crowd in shanghai. Eventually Leah finds out the story behind the coin and develops an intellectual journey to understand the world around her by discovering the power of resistance to the politician repression of the government which might also mean imprison and death.…
helped the narrator unlock his potential through his curiosity in the stories that were being…
As the article “China’s Wen says country must control inflation” said, there is high inflation in China. Inflation is defined as a persistent increase in the average price level in the economy, usually measured through the calculation of a consumer price index. (IB economics—Blink & Dorton) In China, the foods prices are increasing every year –compared to last September consumer prices rose 6.1%, but output of foods didn’t increase at all, which means the cost of production is increasing because aggregate supply is not enough, so there is a cost-push inflation in China’s food market. (Fig.1)…
In recent years, China has met price of commodities rising quickly, inflation has affecting the overall economy. In this article, I will analyses last five years status of China inflation, explain the cause and effects, then base on the cause and effects, giving some solution to deal with the inflation.…
freedom score is 51.9, making its economy C hina’s economiclast the 2013 Index.modest improvements the 136th freest in Its overall score is 0.7 point higher than year, reflecting…