1949 -1953
Big Ideas of the Triumph of the Chinese Communist Party and its Foreign Relations
Idea #1
Events in China were dramatically affected by the Second World War in Asia and the tensions of the early Cold War.
Idea #2
The Chinese Civil war was both lost by the GMD and won by the CCP.
Idea #3
Mao Zedong viewed his victory in October of 1949 as the completion of the first step in a two-step process to transform Chinese society.
Idea #4
Just as the Untied States was separated from the Peoples Republic of China by the ideological frontier, the Soviet Union was separated from them by the developmental frontier.
Idea #5
China intervened in the Korean War for the purpose of promoting the domestic Communist agenda.
Idea #6
The Korean War greatly advanced the Communist’s agenda in China.
The Rise of the Chinese Communist Party:
Revolution in China 1945-1949, Sino-Soviet Relations/Sino-American Relations & Chinese Intervention in the Korean War 1950-1953
Part 2 – Sino-Soviet / Sino-American Relations – CCP Foreign Relations
1) Historiography
a) The Role of the Soviet Union? The Treaty of Friendship and Alliance, August 14, 1945
i) The Treaty was a betrayal of Mao and the CCP
In both letter and spirit, the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance collided with some of the most cherished tenants of the Chinese Communist Party. It also undermined Mao’s widely publicized pronouncement of 1936 that after the victory of the revolution, Outer Mongolia would “automatically become a part of the Chinese federation, at its own will.” But the Chinese Communists were in no position to cross Stalin, and a few days after the treaty was signed, they expressed their official endorsement of it as a measure ensuring cooperation with the Soviet Union and peace in the Far East.1
ii) The Treaty was a tactic in the World-wide Revolution – the theory of the “intermediate zone”
After the