China is certainly a state that is on the rise; moreover, it will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. China has the largest population of any state in the world and it makes sense then that having finally utilized their massive working class the economy is on the rise. There are many who believe that this economic rise will lead to the eventual conflict between the United States and China. That claim is farfetched and greatly exaggerated. It is not realistic to believe that one state rising up economically must violently destroy the current leading economy. China is not a state that is looking to generate waves or serious changes in the global economy; China will work to maintain the status quo to maintain the growth of their own economy.
China is the 2nd largest economy in the world according to both GDP (current prices, US dollars) and GDP (PPP). In 2012, China’s GDP (current prices, US dollars) was US$8.227 trillion and its GDP (PPP) was US$12.405 trillion. In 2012, China was the 18th fastest growing economy in the world. Since 1949, the Chinese government has been responsible for planning and managing the national economy. But it was only in 1978 – when Deng Xiaoping introduced capitalist market principles –that the Chinese economy began to show massive growth, averaging 10 percent GDP growth over the last 30 years. During that period the size of the Chinese economy grew by roughly 48 times, from $168.367 billion (current prices, US dollars) in 1981 to $8.227 trillion. China has just recently hit an economic decline. People should not worry about the Chinese economy. I don’t believe that China is an aggressive state. I believe that China is a cautious state. China wants to keep its status quo. I believe that China is on a peaceful rise and just wants to keep its status quo. Economic growth alone does not provide a full picture of a country's development. China has a population of 1.3 billion. Any