Case studies: Trade performance and trade policies of select countries
ID STUDENT 13201433
COURSE ID 122171 | 122071
1. Basics of China
A. China in Numbers
i. Economy ii. Development iii. Trade and Investments iv. Consumption Behavior
2. China foreign trade
A. Introduction on China trade policies
i. China foreign trade in the past years ii. China foreign trade today
B. China trade policies
i. Data and facts about China related with international commerce
3. China in the WTO
i. A balance of China in the WTO ii. Trade Barriers
4. The future of China
i. Where is China going? ii. China´s next wave of exportation 5. Opinion
i. Thoughts about the true future of Chinese economy
6. Appendices
7. Bibliography
List of abbreviations
WTO---------------------- World Trade Organization
OECD-------------------- Organizations for Economic Co-Operation and Development
PPP----------------------- Purchasing Power Parity
GDP----------------------- Gross Domestic Product
UK------------------------- United Kingdom
EU------------------------- European Union
LDC----------------------- Least Developed Countries
CDB---------------------- China Development Bank
MOFCOM--------------- Chinese Ministry of Commerce
GATT---------------------- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
UN------------------------ United Nations
TRIPS------------------- Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
SAR---------------------- Special Administrative Region
ASEAN------------------ Association of South East Asian Nations
CNPC--------------------- China National Petroleum Corporation
TRQ---------------------- Tariff Rate Quota
APEC-------------------- Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
Basics of China
Here is a brief introduction and