In by reading the Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee, I gained a perspective of the people and culture of China. This book showed the analysis of Chinese saw and the background of Chinese history.…
European powers, such as Britain and Russia, moved in to divide up China in 1895. These countries gained control of certain parts of China's economy. These were called spheres of influence. The U.S. feared that these European powers would divide up China so they proposed the Open Door policy. The Chinese did not like the idea of unwelcome foreigners trading freely within their country, so they started the Boxer Rebellion.…
Intermediate sanctions; offers various different sentencing options to those in need of a more rigorous guidance than that of probation and less restrictive than incarceration and both being primary forms of punishment. The purpose for intermediate sanctions is to reduce the issues concerning overcrowded facilities and probation officers and offices short on staff. The options used for punishing criminals such as, fines, community service, restitution, forfeiture, and pretrial diversion program. The functioning of these sanctions are designed equal to the offenders offense in terms of punishment and treatment as well as other programs recommended to facilitate and improve one’s situation.…
The first ever Transcontinental Railroad in America was completed with the help of the Chinese who contributed greatly to its construction. Despite the major role that the Chinese had in the construction of the railroad, they were not able to escape prejudice in America. One notable act of prejudice done by America against the Chinese prior to the completion of the railroad is the signing and passing of The Chinese Exclusion Act by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882 discontinuing Chinese laborers. Before this law was passed, between 1869 and 1882, many events happened that factored into the decision of passing the Chinese Exclusion act. Examples of these factors were that the Chinese were receiving more job than American citizens,…
Main Idea: American diplomacy helped create the “open door” in China, allowing other nations to partake in the wealth of the country.…
Also they created many job opportunities by creating vineyards for agriculture, trenches, establishment of manufactures, in which it provided more employment for those whites of higher class. The Chinese were welcomed at moment in time, until America went into an economic depression in 1873, and the jobs became decreasing, so in result the anti-Chinese organization did not want them at all. It all resulted in the establishment of the Chinese Exclusion Acts and the extensions of them, so they could get deported back to China, and the only way the Chinese could prevent that from happening was to obtain a certificate of proof to be allowed in America. However, only the Chinese whom were from the higher class: such as teachers, students, travelers, etc. had the opportunity to do so, but still it was a difficult task to obtain through the Chinese Government. It appeared to be that the ultimate decision in regard of the acts was not economical as the Congress would state, but it was more of racist factorial; although, the economic factors sure did play part, because from the exclusion of the Chinese decreased in the capital that masters and employers would receive when the Chinese provided cheap labor. “But even if the Chinese are prohibited from becoming a part of our body of citizens, it would be both impossible and unkind, at this time when China is looking to the United States for help and guidance in the formation of the new republic, to prevent the Chinese from coming to our country to travel and study and learn from us.” (WELLBORN,…
My husband, other church members and I were arrested by the police. My husband was detained for one day. I was detained for 10 days. We were ordered to report to the police and lost our jobs. I was assaulted by the police when I reported to them, which caused my mental and physical harms. My husband was so worried about my situation. We decided to leave China.…
Censorship is the act of suppressing ideas, words or images so as to control the information or data that people can access. Private parties or the government can participate in promoting censoring for their benefit or as a way of protecting the community, religion or even a state from blasphemy, treason or explicit content. Censorship has been there for a long time, and it can be traced to as early as 300 Ad where a censorship law was passed in China. Blocking the ideas of people is viewed as a way of controlling the political and moral life of the society. Most governments use censorship as a way of preventing any evil influence from reaching the people in society`. Censorship has both active and negative impacts on the people. Does censorship…
Life was especially difficult for Asian immigrants. Americans made fun of the Chinese hair and dress, and gave them the name 'coolies'. Japanese immigrants were dubbed "The Yellow Peril". Because the Chinese were good workers who were willing to work for less, American workers complained and the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed to prevent Chinese immigration. The Alien Land Law was passed to prevent noncitizen Asians from owning land.…
Though they were to be granted the reentry to United States regardless of their nationality and if a Chinese immigrant was related to the citizen of America they would be allowed entrance to the nation. The ongoing conflict in the Asia also contributed a lot to the Chinese Exclusion act. The imminent significance of this act was to maintain the employment rate among the nation even after restricting Chinese laborers the entrance to United States. As section 7 states “That any person who shall knowingly and falsely alter or substitute any name for the name written in such certificate or forge any such certificate, or knowingly utter any forged or fraudulent certificate, or falsely personate any person named in any such certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $1,000, and imprisoned in a penitentiary for a term of not more than five years.” Forgery and conviction was taken seriously at the time with regards to the documentation and certificates of the Chinese immigrants so as to maintain…
In 1882 America passed the Chinese exclusion act which prohibited Chinese immigration from coming to America, and soon after in 1886 the statue of liberty was built. The irony in our copper made beauty is her symbolism to freedom and her light to guide immigrants to a better place but was taken away from Chinese people, and it wasn’t until 1943 in the case of magnuson act or Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act that eventually removed the law altogether, this was mostly due to the fact that America and China became allies for world war one.…
Certain groups of Americans opposed open immigration. Many of these people did not want new arrived immigrants to have the right to vote until they have lived in the United States for 21 years. These were often referred to as the Nativist groups. These Nativists were the old type of American immigrants who looked down on these new immigrants and wanted to shield America from them. Nativism did speak out against the Chinese immigration on the West Coast. Nativist arguments say that Chinese immigration would create race antagonism throughout the entire public. This means there will be hostility among the races so there would be separation among the country. In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act suspended Chinese immigration for ten years and prohibited the naturalization of the Chinese. The Chinese were once a great asset to America. They came over from…
White Americans supported the Chinese Exclusion act because they were jealous of the Chinese. They weren’t nearly as dedicated workers compared to the Chinamen. They would always had to be supervised if they want to work like the Chinamen do all the time whether or not they are supervised.…
The Native Americans fought in court to stay on their land and even though they won President Jackson still forced them to leave. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act because white settlers didn’t want to live with the Native Americans. Andrew Jackson’s reasons for defending the Indian Removal Act were fraudulent and in the eyes of the Native Americans would be unfair and irrelevant. A few reasons would be the Trail of Tears, the Five Civilized Tribes, and the fact that the Cherokee Nation went to court.…
The United States then proposed the policy because they believed they would not get equal access to trade with China. They wanted all nations to be able to trade freely with China. At first European powers were hesitant on accepting the policy because they knew the U.S. would greatly benefit from it. They accepted the policy in the end because they did not want another rebellion with China.…