Since 2008, the activity about ‘red song chorus’ has started in Chongqing city, under the municipal party secretary Bo Xilai’s appeal to ‘Sing revolutionary songs, Read classic books, Tell stories and Spread mottos’ (CQNEWS, 2010).Red songs encompass six aspects: the goodness of the Chinese Communist Party, the goodness of the Motherland, the goodness of socialism, the goodness of economic reform and opening, and the goodness of the People’s Army, which essentially embracing the entire political life of the Chinese people.This activity peaked around July 2011, when the 90th birthday of Chinese Communist Party was coming (Bandurski, 2011).Almost all of local governments, party branches, state-owned companies and schools in China hold activities of ‘red song chorus’. However, with the prevalence of such activities, generalpublic criticised more and more severely. This essay aims at analysing the reason why Chinese cultural policy about the ‘red song chorus’ which aimed at promoting general public’spatriotic emotions went contrary to policy makers’ wishes to some extent.
Actually, it should be noticed that general public’s attitude to this activity was changing. In the beginning, the majority of the public, the young people in particular, accepted it and thought it was interesting. Some university students in Chongqing took part in this actively at first. They said that the revolutionary songs were beautiful, full of passion, and singing these songs in the army uniform looked like special cosplay (Chen, 2012).In terms of my personal experience, both my friends and I were excited in acting these old songs with old famous gesture. We even searched the story about these songs with curiosity, and were touched by these brave heroes. In addition, young people shared with each other videos about red songs through the social-networking sites, such as Renren and sina micro blog. One of the most popular videos was about two foreign singers, who