1000 words
In this essay I am going to discuss health promotion which is the process of enabling people to exert control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. As a concept and set of practical strategies it remains an essential guide in addressing major health challenges faced by developing and developed nations, including communicable and non-communicable diseases and issues related to human development and health. The topic I have chosen to link it with is Chlamydia in individuals aged 16-25. I am going to see whether the health promotion is used as a system of empowerment or a system of control.
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Chlamydia can cause many complications in males and females, a …show more content…
The individuals that don’t use protection or get checked out regularly could be having sexual relationships with others in the community and passing on the infection. This is why when individuals find out they have the infection they are advised to tell their past and current partners to get checked out as …show more content…
This topic also links to behaviour change as it encourages individuals to adapt healthy behaviours, it is also a form of health education as the individuals are learning about Chlamydia also it is unlikely to be successful unless the individual is ready to take action. For example if an individual is not willing to use protection and/or get regular tests then there is not a lot that can be done, unless they decide to change their ways and try help themselves. The education approach also links to this as it aims to provide knowledge and information so that people can make informed choices.
Empowerment is a big influence relating to Chlamydia as it aims to help individuals acquire the skills and confidence to take greater control over their own health. For example if you are afraid of what your partner may say when you mention ‘protection’ you are less likely to mention it, also if you are afraid of the result you may get from the screening tests you may decide not to take one.
Social change also has a link to Chlamydia as it aims to make the healthy choice the easy choice, some individuals may be too scared to get help, take tests or mention anything. This is where individuals need to start making the right