A doctor tests for this disease which the test is known as a laboratory test. Two other possible tests could be a urine sample or a cotton swab to get a sample from the vagina says, “CDC”. Chlamydia can be cured with the right antibiotics. It is really important to take all of the medication that the doctor prescribes to you. To prevent this disease is to not have sex with an infected person with this disease. To avoid it, do not have vaginal, oral, or …show more content…
anal sex. According to “CDC”, it is best to only have sex with your mutually friendly friend that tests negative with the disease and to where latex condoms. This disease is curable with the right antibiotics.
This disease always has symptoms as I listed in paragraph one. These symptoms happen all of the time and it helps the doctor to see what kind of disease you have. The consequences are horrible if it is not treated. It could lead to infertility in men and women. In women there could be PID. This disease is very common in the U.S.
HSV causes herpes. There are two different types of herpes, HSV-1 and HSV-2. Herpes is transmitted by kissing, oral and anal sex between two loved ones and which one is infected. According to Medical News Today, symptoms can last up to twenty days such as vaginal discharge, high temperatures, cold sores around the mouth, and pain while urinating. These symptoms are the same in both males and females. If this disease is left untreated, you will have breakouts or rashes that will reappear every few weeks says “MNT”. Some of the sores that appear may itch or burn. A doctor can test for this disease by a physical exam. Your doctor may ask you about some of your symptoms and check your sores on your body says, “Medical News Today”. There is no treatment available for this virus. The treatment they focus on getting rid of sores and limit the outbreaks that you have been getting says, “MDT”.
To prevent yourself from getting herpes, do not participate in any sexually activity, share lip stick, and avoid direct contact with any infected person. This disease is not curable. The only treatment is to stop the itching and rashes. There are always symptoms to herpes because that is the main thing to find out that you have that disease. The long term consequences with herpes is painful genital sores and severe immune system problems. This disease is a problem in our world today, kids ages 12 and older get infected with this. Every one out of five people end up getting this disease throughout the whole world says, “WebMd”.
According to Medical News Today, Scabies is an infestation of the sarcoptes scabiei mite also known as the human itch mite.
The female lays her eggs in the hair and then it hatches and spreads all over the body. This disease is found in towels, furniture, and bedding where they are infested. That is almost how this disease is spread or with human contact to someone that is infected with scabies. They hang out in the towels and furniture. When a non infected person uses it, then they get infected. The symptoms for scabies is the same for males and females. These symptoms will take over two to six weeks to occur. The symptoms could be itching, a rash, thick sores, and crusts says, “MNT”. If this disease is left untreated, the mites can reproduce and make a larger area affected on the
The treatment for this disease are lotions, oral medications, and antibiotics. A doctor can test for this disease by looking at the infestation or the symptoms that they are having. To prevent scabies, wash everything very good with hot water and soap in your home and wash all bedding and towels on a regular basis. Scabies can be cured with antibiotics and other lotions to get rid of the itch mites and clear up the infestation. According to “MNT”, this disease always has symptoms because you can not see the itch mites to see if you have scabies and it helps identify the disease if you have the symptoms that match scabies. If you do not take care of scabies right away, then you have major consequences like itching for a long time because of the infestation. There are expected to be over one million people affected in the U.S. over just one year says, “MNT”.