A review conducted on behalf of APEMH by John Harris, British Institute of Learning Disabilities. A shorter version of this paper has been accepted for publication by the British Journal of Learning Disabilities.
The review is designed to:
• establish a conceptual framework for examining choice and empowerment by people with a learning disability • identify instruments and protocols which have been developed to promote choice and empowerment • describe how services evaluate the role played by key-workers and services in promoting choice and empowerment and identify any protocols or ‘diagnostic’ tools which have been developed • consider outstanding issues for research and practice including the development of additional instruments and protocols.
The European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms provides a formal code under fifteen headings giving rights to all citizens in the European Union. Although the Convention does not explicitly refer to ‘choice and empowerment’ the realisation of the these concepts are clearly implied in respect of rights covering ‘liberty and security’ ‘respect for private and family life’ and ‘freedom of thought conscience religion and ‘freedom of expression’. Similarly, the United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993), includes 22 statements giving direction to national governments. Choice and empowerment are not specifically itemised among the 22 target areas, but they are clearly implied under headings such as ‘rehabilitation’ ‘support services’ ‘family life and personal integrity’.
The most direct appeal for services to promote choice and empowerment for people with a learning disability comes not from national and international declarations but from O’Brien’s interpretation of the philosophy of normalisation and social role valorisation.
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