This will be done through the Media and other local settings such as Schools, Village Council meetings, and Churches.
Communication channels such as Television, radios, News papers, and announcements in Schools, Churches, and other social gathering place helps in taking necessary precaution to reduce the spread of cholera. (Keraka and Wamicha, 2003).
According to Agrawal and Bhalwar (2009) acceptable low cost interventions at household and community level are capable of dramatically improving the microbial quality of household stored water and reducing the risk of diarrheal disease. Through the S E M working groups such as Health Officials eg. Nurses, and Teachers will educate on house hold water purification intervention procedures for Boiling, exposure to sunlight, UV tradition (lamps), Chlorination, filtration, and UV rays disinfectant. Intervention for proper sanitation will also be given. Other groups such as Clubs, Village council officials will monitor and assist community members where