Lincoln Memorial. Gaining research for my topic wasn't as hard as I expected.
Since many news broadcast attended her performance, I was able to obtain numerous primary sources. I began my search at the library where my librarian helped me. I gained access to many books that served as secondary sources. Another great source was EBSCO Host and Jstor. These websites served to find many journals and articles. I also included documentaries and biographies into my search to gain information I noted all of my research into a research folder to help aid in organization. The images were used in my documentary to highlight important events. Also, included various quotes to show the different perspectives of the impacts. The primary sources were used in the documentary and the secondary sources helped me gain knowledge beforehand. Not many difficulties or constrains came across during my research. The major constraint was time management. Given the numerous amount of class work, it was hard focusing on history fair. Also, the clubs and competitions consumed all my time. The first months I was not able to focus on the project or research as I would've liked to. As the deadline approached, I began to set deadlines for myself to get work done. I began by at least taking an hour each day to focus on research. Whenever it was possible, I also stayed after school to get guidance for history
fair. Marian Anderson’s performance at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939, gave rise to the civil rights era. She took her stance in history with her performance by eliminating a policy put in place by the D.A.R against African-American performers. No words or protest, it only took an outstanding performance to defy this color barrier. This event took place during a time of racial tension and music was a predominantly white profession. Anderson broke color barriers, including becoming the first African-American to sing at the White House and at New York's Metropolitan Opera. Through her courageous performance, it opened doors for future African-American performers and equality.