Searching for the right career choice in life is not an easy task. There are a few important points to take into consideration when searching. The career path must be a profession in which the individual likes or doesn 't mind doing through the course of his entire professional career. The author believes that the Career Interests Profiler can be applied to her career choices in several ways. First the Career Interests Profiler gives her an opportunity to network with many in the same profession as her. Second, she can seek out the great diversity of opportunities available to her that she might not otherwise knew existed before the Career Interests Profiler. Finally, the author will always appear presentable to promote herself to interested employers searching for great people who are knowledgeable and experienced in particular areas (Myers, 2015).…
My present position is a Marketing professional which is one of the career matches under the artistic personality type. I love what I do and the freedom in which it allows. My job allows me to be me and express myself. In the end I intend to obtain my degree in the healthcare communication and marketing field. I feel that I have finally found my niche. I feel being satisfied and loving what you do will show through in your personality, the way you handle yourself and the way that you interact with others. I am more confident and relaxed when doing what I am passionate about. I have had many clients say to me that they chose my service because of me. They could see how much I believed in it and it made them comfortable enough to make the decision to move forward. Choosing the right career makes all the difference. Money is part of the factor, because we need it to live, but passion is what will ultimately drive you forward. Whereas just the opposite happens if you take a job you hate. The money may be…
Every year millions of college students ' worldwide graduate from college in hopes of obtaining a position in their career field of choice; however a lot of these students do not have a plan of action to actually help them find their career and achieve their goals. So much emphasis is put on college graduates going out and finding a "job", but little focus is put on helping them find a "career." "A five year career plan is a road map that allows for progress tracking, and development of solutions or alternate courses of action (Crump, 2009)." From personal experience I have realized that the chances of achieving my personal and career goals are increased of I actually write them out as a plan. In this paper I will discuss my career goals and…
This would make your performance’s work more productive and efficient, you would be happy and have the money for live. In fact, “only 30 percent of American employees feel engaged or inspired at their jobs and the clear majority of U.S. workers -- 70 percent -- are not reaching their full potential, a Gallup study concluded.” (CBS News, 2013, para. 1). So, that means doing a work about something that you understand, love, could make you reach your full potential at a career. That would make you realize the most important in career…
In the real world, people search for jobs that will give them personal satisfaction, along with a good paycheck. Unfortunately, we all are not lucky enough to get the jobs that we want, so we have to settle for what is available at the time. I mean, how many people really dreamed of being like Calvin, and working at McDonalds, or who really had aspirations of laboring at the local Shell station? This is not always the case, a lot of people actually decide what they want to be, then actually accomplish their career goals. Most people, when searching for a career, usually pick something that they would enjoy, rather than something that they hate to do, but pays well.…
Careers only identify a small piece of a person, but it does provide insight to the individual base of what he or she was designed in this life to do. As human beings we have needs to survive, therefore people must be careful in choosing a career that impacts their overall health and mental state. Careers that are not designed for an individual can cause stress, lack of fulfillment, lack of interest on the job, or even developing mental and social issues. Sometime financial rewards can lead us into jobs that we really don’t want; finding out later we should not have taken it. Loving what you do in life and getting paid to do it can be one of the greatest rewards.…
During this lifetime everyone has to build or start a career from something of their interest.The most recent jobs vary from, police officers, doctors, lawyers, firefighters , & etc. Plus due to the fact once you get in the career field you want to pursue you have to stay focused and maintain a good progression towards your career.…
The first step to leading a successful life is finding what you enjoy and be good at it. Combs says that when you are feeling good about something and you are actively engaged in it, you have found a passion. He tells us to use our “built-in compass,” which is our emotions. Only you will know if something angers, bores, or excites you. Your “gut feeling” lets you know if you should continue to pursue something. I definitely agree with this because it reminds me of Harvey MacKay’s quote, “Find something you love to do, and you will never work have to work a day in your life.” In the past, there was a marketing internship that I did not enjoy because I knew that this wasn’t what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So, I found a company that allowed me to use my marketing skills to help people in the medical industry. I truly enjoy it and feel like I am vacationing every time I go to work. Channeling your knowledge and emotions towards finding what you are passionate about is very rewarding. This process will lead to a successful life, both physically and spiritually.…
As a child, I always found myself participating in creative activities. My siblings and I were always playing make believe from acting as if we were in college or grown up to running up and down our neighborhood’s sidewalks as secret spies on a mission to save the world! When I was first introduced to writing short stories in grade school, I became hooked because I could literally depict any image I wanted to and that sparked my 7 year old brain. There were always movies playing in my head; it was crucial to me to produce those visions. Now, as a senior in high school, I have become partial to not only writing fictional narratives but non-fiction narratives as well. I have applied and been accepted to Clark Atlanta University…
Self exploration is a major component in finding a happy fit in one’s career. Knowing your personality, expectations, interests, and skills is imperative to facilitate an awareness of what careers someone is passionate about and the careers…
Having a career that makes the most money should not be a primary objective when searching for a job. Working joylessly with the intent to gain wealth cannot be viewed as the ultimate goal of life. Some who would argue that acquiring money is key to a fulfilling life in modern society. There is also the assumption that money allows a person to explore different opportunities and experiences, thus living life to the fullest. Is sacrificing one’s personal happiness and stunting passion within the workplace for the sake of gaining a substantial pay increase worth the price of such self-centered emotions? With this question in mind, a person can see the benefits of achieving wealth at the expense of personal contentment; however, merely engaging in different activities does not necessarily mean that a person has truly lived life to the best of their ability. Furthermore, the more a person centralizes salary, “ the less they will focus on satisfying their intellectual curiosity, learning new skills, or having fun, and those are the very things that make people perform best”(Chamorro-Premuzic). The blame on how a person views fulfillment in contemporary society should not shift to the individual, but to the influences of modern society. Thoreau urged people to choose careers that they are personally enthusiastic about because an individual's values and emotions should contribute a large amount of bias towards choosing an occupation. Relating to Thoreau’s philosophies which regarded happiness, a man must not tolerate working in a place where he is anxious and uncomfortable because “the more emotionally stable, agreeable, extraverted, or conscientious people are, the more [he] tend to like their jobs(irrespective of their salaries)” (Chamorro-Premuzic). The pressure of climbing the social ladder to reach a ‘happy’ life while in competition with millions of others can emotionally trap…
As a human being, it is essential to have some type of occupation in your lifetime. This is due to the necessity of financial compensation or money in order to live. Some people may need more money than others based on how their life is orchestrated. Now just because someone might simply have a specific job, it is another thing enjoy that job. People who are at jobs where the work they do is considered fulfilling to them is more difficult to find in this day and age than those who do not feel a sense of fulfillment from their work.…
The first reason is that we will be more committed in performing on the tasks given. This is because, if we are able to put our passions and skills into a career, we are more likely to enjoy our work and succeed in our position. Moreover, we will be able to concentrate on the career without being distracted easily. For example, the co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs once said “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. ” This quote shows that Steve Jobs’ concept has been proven by his passion on leading apple to become one of the world’s largest company in the technological industry.…
A good job is very difficult to define because it means so many different things to different people. How often do you hear that you should go to college to get a good job? Is a good job simply one that has more security than others? Or, is a good job always the highest paying job? Perhaps you define a good job as something you really enjoy doing. Because people interpret a good job to themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. However, in my opinion a good job includes: sufficient pay to meet all my family's needs and a little extra for saving, interesting/meaningful and flexibility of time. Firstly, salary is regarded as the important definition of a good job. A great income opens many doors if used properly - savings for the future, a higher standard of living, and so on. Nevertheless, what good is that higher standard of living and savings for the future if you're living in a state of unhappiness. Secondly, a good job is a job you love.I think being passionate about your work meant something that you can do for hours and hours and never get sick of . However not all passions match up with the realities of the job market. If you’re passionate about poetry or painting, you’re going to find very limited job opportunities for those things. In those cases, it makes sense to find work that you can do reasonably happily, while pursuing your passions when you’re not at work. That’s completely okay. If you can find a way to turn what you love doing into something that makes you a living, go for it. Thirdly, the more flexible the hours, the better it is. That has a very real cost. Every time you miss something important with your family, it's an opportunity that never comes…