14. What is generally the most important factor in the evolution of mating systems and why does this “make sense’?…
One theory is ‘The Matching Hypothesis’ which is a social psychological theory based on relationships, proposed by Goffman in 1952. It suggests that in order for a relationship to be a long and successful one; both partners in the relationship must be equally matched in attractiveness. The reason for this is due to fear of rejection, therefore when searching for a potential life partner the primary drive is to select someone who is similarly attractive.…
In "The Mystery of Attraction," Harville Hendrix claims that attraction between human beings is based on a number of factors that ultimately leave human beings baffled on exactly how humans experience such intense emotions as seen in romantic love and why so many couples tend to have complementary characteristics. He supports this claim by explaining several theories of attraction. His biological theory of courtship states that "we instinctively select mates who will enhance the survival of the species" (483). This theory suggests instinctive evolutionary attraction such as a female's rosy cheeks on a slender frame and a male's muscular physique are the features which take paramount importance in mate selection. Another theory, which he calls the exchange theory, emphasizes that "we select mates who are more or less our equals" (483). This theory proposes the act of mate selection as being a game of weighing the positive and negative characteristics in hopes of attaining equality in all aspects of both mates. His final idea, which is called the persona theory, "maintains that an important factor in mate selection is the way a potential suitor enhances our self esteem" (483-484). Attraction as it pertains to this theory places emphasis on what others think and the image of how others perceive someone with a certain mate.…
Sexual selection can be used to explain certain characteristics or behaviours which increase an individual’s reproductive success. These characteristics may get exaggerated over evolutionary time. In humans, these characteristics may include good physical and mental health, as well as physical features such as good looks etc. these characteristics are attractive because they show an ability to reproduce and pass on these genes to offspring. There are two types of sexual selection, intrasexual and intersexual. Intrasexual selection is the evolution of characteristics that enable an individual to compete with their rivals whereas intersexual selection is the evolution of characteristics that are attractive to a mate. An example of this would be a peacock’s tail. The peacock with the ‘best’ tail (longest and brightest etc.) is considered to be more attractive to the peahen and therefore he is more likely to reproduce and pass on his genes to the next generation. Buss, 1989, found evidence to support this. Over 10000 participants across 37 different cultures took part in his study on differences in intersexual selection. Questionnaires were given to the participants, asking about preferences for variables such as marriage, age differences, characteristics etc. He found that women valued qualities such as ambition and industriousness in men – qualities showing their financial potential. He also found that men valued youth and physical attractiveness more highly than women. This suggests that males look for qualities associated with fertility in line with evolutionary predictions. He concluded that women have evolved to select mates who can provide resources for themselves and their offspring. Buss’ study had over 10000 participants and therefore has credibility, however the participants may have not given a truthful answer and instead given one they thought would appear more…
Yoshida (1972) pointed out that this represents only a very narrow view of factors important in relationship formation as similarity of self-concept, economic level and physical condition being equally important. This research is backed up by Speakman et al (2007) who found that people often choose partners with similar levels of body fat. This shows that similar personality and…
The nature of sexual selection is derived from the evolutionary theory. This suggests that the people who we choose to have sex with has been born into us and is an innate response we have. It also suggests that all behaviours are adaptive, including relationship formation, therefore forming a relationship should help out ‘survival’ in the way of passing on our genes.…
3. Which of the following characteristics of potential mates is NOT valued equally by both sexes?…
Greeks used a formula that is often found in nature called the Golden Ratio, to…
Mate choice is a product of mate preferences formed in the EEA. The fundamental principle of mate choice is that it pays to be choosy as the genetic quality your mate possesses will determine half the genetic quality of your offspring. The differences between the sexual behaviours of males and females arise because they are subjected to different selective pressures. Whilst males are able to produce millions of sperm and can fertilise many women, females are more selective because of the higher reproductive costs and the certain maternity.…
3. Parker, G. A. 1983. Mate Quality and Mating Decisions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.…
AO2/AO3 (P) There is supporting empirical evidence by Singh (1993) into the relationship between human sexual selection and reproductive success.(E) Singh found that although breast size, weight and physique varied over the years of beauty winners, a consistent feature was a small waist set against full hips. This suggests that the waist to hip ratio may symbolise fertility as this is a quality men find attractive and look for in women when choosing their partner.(C) This supports the theory of that there is a relationship between human sexual selection and reproductive success as it supports the intra-sexual selection explanation of that men look for certain traits in order to ensure reproductive success. By supporting the theory, this increased its internal validity.…
Males will also be concerned with looking for females with qualities that suggest fertility (youth and good health – synonymous with physical attractiveness.…
The assortative mating theory describes the idea that two individuals might end up together because of having similar characteristics and in fact selected each other on the basis of having similar characteristics (Brockman, 2011). This relates to Darwin’s natural selection theory because if people are choosing to mate because of similar character traits those traits will be passed down to their children and may help that child continue to mate with similar minded persons. This assortative mating encourages the passing on of certain genes based on the mates similarities. Of course attraction depends on much more than just a few common characteristics. This is where the idea of sexual selection comes into play. Darwin was the first to talk about the idea of female choice in sexual selection. This is the idea that the females of a species choose their mates based on all kinds of traits, not just physical attractiveness. In fact, many of the traits that are weighed when selecting a mate are not arbitrary, instead they are powerful indicators of things that matter in reproduction such as fertility, health and even psychologically attractive traits like kindness. When we weigh these qualities of a potential mate, we are insuring that we have a partner that is able to get along in the social and physical world, and a partner we can successfully raise children with, and pass on above average genes. It turns out the two most desired traits are kindness and intelligence. These traits are also the major characteristics that distinguish us from primates (Brockman, 2011). But the evolution that has developed from sexual selection includes more than just character traits, it may also be evidence for why we developed language and music. While language has many useful functions, we may have developed such a vast vocabulary to impress potential mates. Courtship almost always includes…
In a separate study led by researcher Larry Lance, Lance discovered that personality characteristics are becoming more and more important to finding potential partners. Although men still look for women who are generally more “slim and trim,” it is becoming less important in comparison to a potential partner being charismatic (Lance,…
Men look for partners who are physically attractive and women are more interested in resources a partner could provide. This may be due to a male selecting a woman who is healthier and therefore more fertile, the healthier the woman the more attractive she seems. While women seek signs of fertility and heath in a partner they are more concerned about resources, for example wealth, intelligence and strength. Women therefor seek to enhance their looks and men advertise their status. This is confirmed by Waynforth and Dunbar who used ads to assess what men and women seek and advertise. They found that 44% of men seek a physically attractive partner compared to 22% of…