Dean of Students’ Affairs Office
No.DS/S-10.1/2013/IITK/ October 1, 2013
Railway Concession Vouchers are available for the students who wish to go to their home town during the Winter Vacation i.e. November 28, 2013 to December 25, 2013. The following schedule shall be followed:
The Concession Vouchers shall be issued from October 8, 2013 to November 22, 2013.
I-Cards shall be accepted in DOSA Office between 10:00 am to 12:30 pm on each working day and the concession vouchers shall be issued on next day between 03:30 pm to 05:00 pm
1. As per the instruction received from the railways the concession vouchers shall be issued to all bonafide students of the Institute for going to home town and educational tours, the following condition shall apply.
a) Up to the age of 27 years in the case of SC/ST students.
b) Up to the age of 25 years in the case of the other students.
2. PG students should submit the leave application, duly sanction by their respective departments for obtaining Railway Concession Vouchers. 3. Students must collect concession vouchers before purchase of ticket. Concession Vouchers will not be issued after the purchase of ticket.
4. It should be noted that students must exchange their vouchers within the specified period of 14 days for onward journey and within 2 months for return journey from the date of issue.
5. Duplicate concession voucher will not be issued to any students under any circumstances.
6. All the students traveling long distances are requested to come to DOSA Office for issue of railway concession voucher as early as possible.
7. Students must carry their updated I-Cards while traveling.
8. Students must note that the date of issue of concession vouchers will not be changed in any case the last date of issue of concession voucher is November 24, 2013 for forthcoming Winter vacation