Chris McCandless is a young wealthy man who hitchhiked from the East Coast to Alaska after graduating from university. McCandless dropped out of sight, abandoned most of his possessions along with burning and giving away all the money …show more content…
For McCandless to assert his independence, he had to throw away the subtlety to pursue the ideals that were important to him. In addition McCandless had to leave society for some time in order to hear his own thoughts and be able to find the importance of one’s self. That is why “McCandless traveled alone with neither topographical map nor feasible exit strategy, and no one knew where he was”, he knew he had to do all of this to test himself and his independence (source 1). Throughout the book Krakauer see’s McCandless as if he was stubborn, but the reason for that is so that McCandless can truly only focus on himself and not let anyone else make him do or think otherwise. Correspondingly, for McCandless to get an honest answer to his question he had to start new and make sure he could challenge himself every step of his journey. If McCandless would have stayed and not walked into the wild he would have not found himself, nor the true meaning of independence; he would have had to conform to society and what other people are telling him to follow. Moreover, it was important to McCandless to find what was really important to him because he has lived a life where materialistic things are more important than values. Moreover, the last few chapters of the book Krakauer states how weak McCandless is starting to get, and how he is trapped in