Family Communication in the Digital Age
Elizabeth Adkins
Regent University
Sexting: A Christian Parent’s Guide
In the digital age, teens and their parents are navigating new territory on how to manage technology use. Of particular concern is the relatively new trend of sexting. Christian parents, in particular, face the daunting task of training their children with Biblical principles regarding digital media use. This paper discusses the potential consequences of sexting and new ways in which teens are using technology for the purpose of sexting. Finally, some practical methods for Christian parents …show more content…
Sacco, Argudin, Maguire and Tallon (2010) state that “There is no consistent definition of sexting in law or research,” but reference the description used by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). The NCMEC defines sexting as: “youth writing sexually explicit messages, taking sexually explicit photos of themselves or others in their peer group, and transmitting those photos and/or messages to their peers” (2010). For the purposes of this paper, the NCMEC definition will be utilized in order to focus on teen behaviors, in …show more content…
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