Over time I watched as her approach to interacting with her co-workers slowly escalated into arguments and the refusal to work with her. People wanted clear boundaries for what their responsibilities were versus the diversity specialist. Other people in the office lost motivation or developed a very short temper with the diversity specialist. The civil rights office could not work together to accomplish any group tasks if they were paired with this individual. However it was the civil rights division that suffered as a whole. Upper management noticed the internal discord and lost trust in the office.
Internally I am positive that each employee blamed someone else for the loss of trust within the office. My office is a very great example of "collusion,"each person continues to act according to the characteristics they are placing on themselves and co-workers to justify not working as a team. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) I am also guilty of shying away from working with the diversity specialist. There were times when I could have stepped in to help her out but I refused to volunteer due to some of our interactions, I truly felt justified in my thinking also.
Although I know that my Christian beliefs/values should have a positive affect on internal and external motivation in the workplace. I also know that this positive affect is accomplished by ensuring that I behave in a manner that would be
References: The Arbinger Institute (2002). Leadership and Self-Deception. Sand Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers