However, Celsus was not alone in his attacks upon the Christians. Porphyry had read the gospel and could see the inconsistences and contradictions throughout the book . He believed it to be fraudulent. He further believed that “Jesus himself was a criminal and a failure, even from a Jewish perspective”. He believed that those who “worship Jesus as God, created an insult to any God deserving of name”, and in essence those who believed the gospel as the truth, were weak minded individuals. In addition to this he believed that the real objective of the Christians was to take “control of the Empire.” Demetrian another intellect also believed that the Christians were bring disasters upon the Empire, and if only the Christians obeyed the laws then “peace and prosperity would return” for both the Empire and the Christians …show more content…
Furthermore, when Celsus asks; if God was to deliver man from evil why then would he “incarnate in one individual, and that one a Jew”? Origen reply “there is no doubt an element of mystery” this type of reply agitated the intellects as if the Christian knew their God well, then surely they could have a proper response not one that is vague. However, did not really matter because with their vagueness they could show to the people that indeed these stories are fabricated. But even so, this was not enough to convict the people, as this was evident by the growth in Christianity.
The boasting of the Christians had a significate effect on the Roman Empire. Those in power were keeping track of both the intellects who were against the Christians, and those Christians boasting about their sheer numbers. Furthermore there are the statements Celsus made in regards to the Christians bringing anti-social behaviour by not worshipping the Roman Gods, and Origen’s rebuttal that the upper class Romans were coming in great numbers to their Church. This was enough for the Roman Emperor Decius to take action against the