When we have sex with someone, we are giving part of ourselves away. It says that we should save ourselves for one person only- your husband or wife. Our body is a temple and a part of God. Our bodies are extremely precious and are the handy-work of God. God loves you and has created you in His image- a privilege and something that you should be praising Him for. So if we are putting into it, what isn’t healthy, then we are not being obedient to God or honouring His place within our lives.
One day there was a rich man who lived in a great mansion on top of a cliff. He had just bought a limo but he needed a driver. Long story short, three men applied from the job. They all had the same qualifications and he couldn’t decide on the man in regards to their resumes. So he set them a task. “The person who can park my limo closest to the edge of my cliff will get the job. The first man hopped in the car and drove to the edge of the cliff. He parked it with one meter to spare. He thought he was done and dusted! The second man drove the car out to the cliff and parked it with about 5cm to spare.