Christiane Amanpour was born on January 12, 1958, in London, England. She is the daughter of an English mother, Iranian father and the oldest of four sisters. Growing up, Christiane Amanpour spent time in Tehran, Iran.
When Amanpour was eleven years old, she was sent to a Catholic girls’ boarding school in England. In 1979 when the revolution collapsed the shah of Iran, Amanpour’s world was turned upside down from her family driving into exile. Ultimately, this event sparked Amanpour’s future career interest in journalism.
As she became a college student, Amanpour did in fact study journalism. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from the University of Rhode Island, Amanpour went to work behind the scenes of the camera. …show more content…
Ms. Amanpour hosted
“This Week” from August 2010 to December 2011. She is also a member of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, a commander of the most excellent order of the British Empire and honorary citizen of Sarajevo. Without Christiane Amanpour, viewers of ABC News and
CNN would not know what is happening in the territory outside of the United States.
Christiane Amanpour is well known in her career for what she has reported on. She is also known for the places she traveled to report on specific problems. Her career in journalism has lasted for three decades long and counting. When Ms. Amanpour became an international correspondent for CNN in 1990, her first major assignment was to cover the Gulf War. Since then, she has reported from the world's major hotspots, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,
Pakistan, Somalia, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Asia, Rwanda, the Balkans, and the U.S. during Hurricane Katrina. By interviewing some of the most top world leaders, securing the only interview with
Hosni Mubarak and an exclusive with Muammar
Gadhafi during the Arab Spring, Christiane Amanpour has made herself one of the most known journalist for international affairs in 2016 (ABC …show more content…
Ms. Amanpour spoke her mind after the
Democratic nominee experienced coughing fits on the trail and then came close to collapsing on the sidelines.
After the 9/11 event on Sunday, Clintons campaign revealed that she had pneumonia, and the reason she almost fell was because she had become dehydrated and overheated. Amanpour had also said to her colleagues, “When it comes to overqualified women having to try a hundred times harder than underqualified men to get a break or even a level playing field, well, we know that story.” (Fox News). Christiane Amanpour is definitely a hypocrite for saying that the reporters and journalist should watch what they say on national television yet she clearly states her opinion of the Republican nominee Donald
Trump and how she is for Hillary Clinton. Also, her husband James Rubin, was a member of
Clinton’s 2008 campaign which also suggests that the Rubin/Amanpour family is totally for the
Clinton’s. Christiane Amanpour is an example of a good and bad journalist. Good for having to be the first journalist to get interviews with some famous people and bad because she