Christianity is a belief syatem that provides satisfying life systems for all who follow Jesus Christ and it works in all cultures of the world.…
1. The one belief that unites all Christians is the belief in Jesus Christ. Christians believe that the only way to achieve salvation is to believe that Jesus died and rose again in order to save humanity from its sins.…
Christianity as a religion is built on the belief that God, Whose existence is still questioned by many scholars based on the lack of scientific evidence, sent his son Jesus Christ to unite people under a belief system that is systematic, hierarchical and subjecting itself to…
Christianity believes in one God who is the trinity – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is a loving God who came down to Earth and suffered a painful death on the cross to save sinners from damnation. His teachings…
This teaching can be used across the board for all worldviews. Although, these are the characteristics of Jesus’ teaching, these characteristics should be used by all. These are great morals that one should have regardless of the worldview.…
G. Didache: Christian manual giving unique details regarding baptism and church leadership from an early period of Christian development…
“a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as saviour” -Webster’s Dictionary A religion is a belief in the supernatural that defines how one lives. Christianity revolves around a God, as the creator of the universe, and who gives purpose in all living things. Christian God puts a price on sin (evil, wrongdoings), which are stated in the Christians sacred text – the Bible. Because of the sin in the world God sent his son, Jesus Christ to earth to die for the salvation of mankind. This salvation comes in the form of afterlife – salvation, going to heaven and being with God, the opposite being hell, for the punishment of sin. Along with God the Father and the son, there is a third figure in the Holy trinity which is the Holy Spirit that came after Jesus’s resurrection to live within believers. Christian’s acknowledge God as their creator and aim to live their lives in worship of him and according to Jesus’s teachings. There are many diffirent branches in Christianity such as Catholicism. Baptist, Pentecostal etc. “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” - Romans 11:36…
Christianity- Christianity is a monotheistic religion whose adherents believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the son of God and their savior. Christianity developed out of a sect of Judaism that believed Jesus was the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.…
Christianity is an ancient religion that is centered on the teachings of Christ. The history of Christianity concerns the Christian religion, its followers and the Church with its various denominations, from the first century to the present. Christianity was founded in the 1st century in the Levant region of the Middle East by Jesus of Nazareth, who is prophesied in the Old Testament to be the Christ or chosen one of God. This religion has been around since 4BC-30AD (the time of Christ). The early Christians believed that there were seven heavens, one physically above the other. They also believed that god is Omni-present, rather than enthroned in the highest heaven. Like the latter, Christianity was originally a movement of oppressed people it first appeared as the religion of slaves and emancipated slaves of poor people deprived of all rights of peoples subjugated or dispersed by Rome. Christianity was the recognized state religion in the Roman World Empire.…
I find the religion in the Popular Culture of the greatest interest to me. Popular culture according to one definition reaches a larger audience. When popular culture uses the images of religion to portray a message I see the message as more of a counterfeit intended to deceive the world and ultimately take the place of God. Subliminal messages our powerful and that is how I see religion when it is used in popular culture. I have much talk on-line about several famous celebrities being associated with the " Illuminati". The Illuminati enthusiasts seem to agree it is a modern-day secret society with ancient roots that is made of up powerful and elite individuals who conspire to control the world — politics, government, religion, entertainment…
Based on scripture, Christians believe there is life after death. Christians believe God has already proved himself in all aspects except destiny, but that He is coming. For theists, destiny is a very important aspect of their belief. Christians believe there are two final states: Heaven and Hell which is also known as the “lake of death” (Rev. 20:15) or “the second death” (Rev. 21:8). Christians are confident in their final destinations after their earthly death (2 Cor. 5:8) because God offered a free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is progressive, restorative, and comprehensive. A person must be set apart (clean before God) and saved to be a son of God and to go to Heaven. God believes there is no sin too big. He also believes all people should repent and be saved because their past does not matter in their new life with…
Christians believe salvation is brought about by faith in Christ. Christ died on the cross to deliver us from our sins. Christ offered us salvation. This belief in salvation establishes how Christians look at death. Christianity offers to deliver people from harm and sin when they die.…
Christianity: believes in life after death, a heaven and hell, the belief in Jesus is core to getting into heaven;…
To day we come to the close of our studies on “2000 + Years of Christianity” We look at the Pentecostal movement in America.…
However, even one person who makes the right choice and puts God first could affect their entire community. Rearrange your perspectives, and dedicate your life to God, and people will notice. As John Wesley stated, “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” Do not let the frivolities of life distract you, and keep you from loving the Lord “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,” and loving “your neighbor as yourself,” as we are commanded in Luke 10:27. I challenge you to regard this one verse as the supreme reason for your existence, and realize that nothing else you could ever do matters more. Believe it or not, that phone call can wait, that quiz won’t alone determine the success of your future career, and that pile of to-do’s will be there tomorrow. This week, put everything else on the back-burner for a change, and pray for increased passion and faith in your own life. In doing so, you will be allowing America to come one person closer to regaining her lost reputation as a nation where pure religion retains a great influence over the souls of…