English 10
January 30, 2014
Writing Project #1: Reading Response to “Our Cell Phones, Our Selves” by Christine Rosen
Part I – Summary or Identifying the Conversation
In the section of the book the author talks about how cell phones integrated into our society and how we adapted to using cell phones every day in our lives. The author first talks about how cell phones first came to be and how they evolved over time and became a trend. As we know it, today almost everyone has a cell phone. The author’s view on cell phones is that it’s good for us but at the same time it’s bad for us. She says that cell phones gives us new ways of communicating but it also closes us from talking to strangers and making new friends.
Part II – Reaction or Entering the Conversation
At the end of the chapter the author talks about the positive and the negatives of having a cell phone. She first says, “Cell phone provides us with new… means of communicating with each other.” (Rosen, pg 472, 2004) When I read this I knew it was true that we did need cell phones because they’re the best communication we have in today’s world. It’s probably the fastest connection that we all have with each other to and that’s why Cell phones matters to us. The second thing that the author also says is that cell phones, “… encourage talk, not conversation. They link us to those we know, but remove us from the strangers who surround us in public.”(Rosen, pg 472, 2004) this quote means a lot because I think that it is true. When I think about it I feel like this is what I am actually doing. I’m not really communicating with other people because I spend too much time with people that I know. And most of those people are on my contact list too. It does hurt the way that I talk to strangers and new people because I have a hard time talking or even introducing myself to new people. I agree with the author at the end of the chapter because it really is true in today’s society.
Part III –