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Just like water over rocks, a strong influence can change anyone. In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the main character, Scrooge seems like he can’t change, but after he is visited by three ghosts, he does change.…
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Scrooge was a person with much to be desired after meeting him,but then one night he gets visited by three ghosts and is changed.Before going with the ghost of Christmas present Scrooge was greedy among other things but we well start with greedy. But then after seeing the way his employe Bob Cratchit lived with his wife and all his children he turned charitable well at least I think so because at the end he gives Cratchit a better pay and sends them the prize turkey so if that isn’t charitable I don't know what is.…
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Scrooge emphasizes, "What a fine day fellow... An Intelligent boy, a remarkable boy." This is a critical part of this novel because this shows Scrooge overcame his dislike of Christmas and his entire disliking of people. Instead of rudely gesturing to people, he is now starting to act nicer, and more mature. Scrooge exclaims, " Come back to the butcher and I'll give you a shilling. Come back in two minutes and ill give you a crown!" this show Scrooge truly overcomes the was he acts. Scrooge was all about the money- never wanted to share. Ever since the ghost's from Christmas past, present, and Christmas yet to come, Scrooge was offering his wealth off to other people who need the…
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The self published novella 'A Christmas Carol' was written by Engligh author Charles Dickens in 1843. It sold all 6,000 copies within 9 days of hitting the stands and was met with instant success and critical acclaim. It tells the story of bitter old miser Ebenezer Scrooge and his reluctant jouney to find the Christmas Spirit guided by supernatural visitors Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Yet to Come. The effect the Charles Dickens writings had on this rapidly waneing Christian Festival was so far reaching and well received that many refered to him as 'The Man who Invented Chrristmas'. While Dickens didn’t technically come up with Christmas, he couched its spirit in a philosophy and centered it on an image that compelled people to see it and feel it as he did. “There seems a magic in the very name of Christmas,” writes Dickens, when “petty jealousies and discords are forgotten.”…
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In the novella ‘A Christmas Carol’, Ebenezer Scrooge changes dramatically; the writer Charles Dickens shows this in various way using language devices, narrative voice, symbolism and other techniques.…
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When I read this story it showed how Scrooge changed during the three visits from each spirit the first one was the ghost of christmas past, the second was the ghost of the christmas present, the third one was the ghost of the christmas future and it talked about how it has affected scrooge in the past, present, and the future, I think the future affected him the most because he thought having a lot of money would make him a popular person, but when he saw his death, and he was alone, he began to realize money is not what makes family, he thinks about tiny tim about that tiny tim is not rich but he is everyone favorite. Once he have visited every ghost he has changed he is now a nice person.…
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Throughout ‘A Christmas Carol’, a novella by Charles Dickens, it is apparent that there is an on going development and alteration of the character of Ebenezer Scrooge, whom the story is based around.…
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“Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values” says Thomas S. Monson. This is one intricate message that Ebenezer Scrooge failed to grasp. Ebenezer Scrooge is the narcissistic, avaricious protagonist in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. To start off, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas past, the ghost of Christmas present and the ghost of Christmas yet to come. Each of these three spirits exemplifies a different time in his penurious life. As an attempt to change Scrooge, all of the three spirits…
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In his novel, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens portrays Scrooge as the children of ignorance and want; these children are under the cloak of the Ghost of Christmas Present. "They were a boy and a girl. Yellow, meager, ragged, scowling, wolfish; but prostate, too, in their humility… 'This boy is ignorance. This girl is want'" (49). Scrooge only wants money from his life; it is all he cares about. He is ignorant towards any unnecessary spending of the money. Lastly' he ignores his families attempt to socialize with him to make him more affable.…
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In 'A Christmas Carol', Charles Dickens represents Scrooge as an unsympathetic man who is offered the opportunity to redeem himself. Through use of language, the reader is positioned to view him adversely, but during the journey of morality lessons shown by three spirits, Scrooge recovers his sense of joy by undergoing a significant transformation. Scrooge seeks redemption through the many lessons taught by the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come.…
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In the story A Christmas Carol , my reaction changed towards Scrooge through each stave. In the first opening stave, you felt as if Scrooge was an inconsiderate, horrible man. Throughout the rest of the staves you start to feel bad for Scrooge and almost forgive him. Also his past reflects his personality in the future. This influences my reaction towards Scrooge as Dickens uses contradicting and contrasting techniques. The moral I received was; dickens is trying to convey to the reader is that you can always be forgiven for what you have done in the past.…
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At first, Scrooge is very unhappy, unfriendly, and selfish and shows it in his actions. In the first stave it says, “The cold within him froze his old features… he carried his own low temperature always about with him” (2). This explains that Scrooge never had a smile on his face or skip in his step. He was unhappy all the time. Scrooge is also very unfriendly, “Nobody…
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In the play, Scrooge is a greedy, self centered man who cares for nothing but money and himself. His old, dead friend and partner, Marley, visits Scrooge in the night to tell him to change. Marley sends three spirits to haunt Scrooge to enforce that change. Scrooge is shown his past by the Spirit of Christmas Past. Past shows Scrooge a Christmas long ago where he is alone in the school house. “The schoolroom is not quite deserted. A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there still.” (Charles Dickens #) Scrooge is then shown an older boy of himself, but still alone and Fan, Scrooge’s sister, comes to bring Scrooge home. Past shows Scrooge where he was apprenticed. Scrooge is then shown his old loved one and it is shown that they separate forever. Scrooge is taken back home, but he does not believe what happened and at one o'clock, the Spirit of Christmas Present comes and shows Scrooge the present Christmas. Present and Scrooge go to Mr. Cratchit’s home and family who are getting ready for a Christmas dinner. Then…
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In the movie "A Christmas Carol" the most influential spirit of Christmas is "The ghost of Christmas yet to come" , even though the ghost of Christmas past showed him memories of good times and him losing his girlfriend because he worked all the time. "The ghost of Christmas yet to come" influences Scrooge more because the ghost shows Scrooge a funeral where only some business men attend. The mans charwomen , his laundress , and local funeral director were stealing from him and selling his possessions , Scrooge ask the ghost to show him if anyone had any emotions at all and the ghost showed him a couple who were happy because they had more time to sort their finances. After that the ghost shows Scrooge Bob Cratchit and his family mourning…
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In the beginning of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is consumed by his business, greediness, and money. Scrooge refuses to donate with poor reasoning: “I help to support the establishes I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go there” (Dickens 4). Scrooge thinks that the poor should go work instead of depending on others. It is greedy of Scrooge to be well off and not care about others. Scrooge’s clerk at his business requested Christmas off, which Scrooge reluctantly gave him: “‘And yet,’ Said Scrooge, ‘you don’t think me ill-used, when I pay a day’s wages for no work’” (Dickens 4). He does not value Christmas, for he calls it a “poor excuse for…
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