I like the Christmas day because it is the only holiday where all my family is together. Usually the party is in my aunt Rosa´s house, my grandparents, my dad and I arrive the day twenty-four at morning to help make the food and go buy things, but I don´t know cook but I help chopping or peeling vegetables also prepared water and anything else needed.
In the afternoon when everything is cooking and we don´t have any things to do, I go to my cousin´s room and while we watching TV or surf on the Internet we get to talk to be current.
At the night our other family is coming gradually while my cousin and I do the table and put the food is finished there, when are twelve o'clock we are all together and we started to dinner, two hours later he older ones stay at the table talking while cousins go to the room to watch TV or play video games.
In fact I like are with family, either talk to them or just listen to what they have experienced, I also like the food and everyone is happy, the only thing wrong is that in the house are only two bathrooms and sometimes I have to sleep in single bed with two of my cousins , but the good thing is that it is only once in a while.
Día de navidad
Me gusta el día de navidad porque es la única festividad donde toda mi familia se reúne y convivimos juntos. Usualmente la fiesta es en casa de mi tía Rosa, mis abuelos, mi papa y yo llegamos el día veinticuatro en la mañana para ayudar a hacer la comida e ir a comprar las cosas, yo no sé cocinar pero ayudo a picar o pelar la verdura, también preparo el agua y alguna otra cosa que haga falta.
Ya en la tarde cuando todo se está cocinando y no quedan muchas cosas por hacer, subo al curto de mi prima para y mientras vemos televisión o navegamos en internet nos ponemos a platicar para estar al dia
Al anochecer nuestra demás familia va llegando poco a poco, mientras tanto entre mi prima y yo ponemos la mesa y vamos acercando la comida que ya está terminada, para cuando dan