According to the Princeton University WordNet monotheism means “the belief in a single God.” The word derives from the two Greek words ‘monos’ meaning one and ‘theos’ meaning God, which explains in itself the true notion of monotheism; the worship of one deity. Christian monotheism can be seen as unique, in agreement with Robert Broderick it holds “God as absolutely one in nature and essence, and relatively three in persons; The Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are really distinct from each other” (2005). Christianity is a monotheistic religion, Christians believe that God is One God, and there is no other. They believe God is made up of three persons, Father (God), Son (Jesus) who represents God’s human form and the Holy Spirit which is the love between the two. In the Encyclopaedia of World Religions we read that the divine attributes of God are affirmed in the writings of the First Vatican Council "The holy, Catholic, apostolic Roman Church believes and professes that there is one true, living God, the Creator and Lord of heaven and earth. He is almighty, eternal, incomprehensible, and infinite in intellect, will and every perfection. Since He is one unique spiritual substance, entirely simple and unchangeable, He must be declared really and essentially distinct from the world, perfectly happy in Himself and by His very nature, and inexpressibly exalted over all things that exist or can be conceived other than Himself" (2006). Many people see the God of the Old Testament as evil and a contradiction to His own beliefs. He was feared because He ordered Joshua to destroy the city of Jericho and all who lived there. “The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the LORD. Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies we sent” (Joshua 6:17). The Bible confirms that God requested the killing of many people; this is seen
References: Broderick, Robert C. (2005). A to Z guide to the Catholic faith. (pp 649) Thomas Nelson. Catechism of the Catholic Church (1997) Retrieved 30th October from Good News Bible (1976) Bible Societies HarperCollins Mariottini, Claude, Dr. (2008) Professor of Old Testament Retrieved 29th October from: Old, Hughes, Oliphent. (1999). The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church. Volume 3. (pp 47) Wm