When Christopher Columbus came to the New World, he originally thought that he had arrived in India. He wanted to find a direct water route from Europe to Asia, instead he arrived on a Bahamian Island. Although Columbus was not the first person to discover the Americas, he did …show more content…
If they refused to pay, they would have been threatened with excommunication and denied Holy Sacraments. Following the Catholic religion, there were many rules which Europeans had to abide by. They had to confess their sins and perform different tasks that would “secure” their place in heaven. The Catholic Church was the most powerful religion throughout Europe which made people uncomfortable, thus creating the reason for people to leave. Not many people wanted to speak out against the Church in fear of punishment they would receive. Martin Luther was one of the people who spoke out against the Church by posting the “Ninety-Five Theses” on the door of the cathedral. This act was just the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and the changes that followed. When Columbus discovered the Americas it changed the world in more positive ways than negative. Although unfortunately many lives were lost along the way, if these changes had not happened, who knows where we would be now. There were many advantages that the Europeans gained, with their ability to worship more freely, and the discovery of different foods that they could now grow. The negative that came out of the discovery of the New World was the dramatic decrease in the indigenous people’s population. In life some say everything happens for a reason, I believe this to be also true to this historical