Christopher was a part of four main voyages in his life. The first voyage he took he was around 19 years old. On that voyage he learned how to properly navigate a ship on open water. His most famous voyage was in 1492 when he sailed to the new world. As Columbus sailed to different places he was open to a lot of things. What a lot of people don’t know is that Christopher had a little family. They lived between to different types of classes, the peasants and the nobility.
In 1492 he was sent on a mission to find the new world. The
queen of Spain told him to go find the New World. She provided three ships for his voyage. The three ships were Nina, Pinto and Maria. His mission was to find new foods and different luxuries for the Old World. He also introduced new things to the New World. Horses were established into the New World by him. Though most people believe that Christopher Columbus wasn’t the first sailor to land in the New World, he was known for this huge voyage. Christopher Columbus didn’t know how big the earth was so instead of thinking that he was sailing to India he ended up pulling to shore in the Americas. When he arrived to the New World, he noticed there were already people in this land, but he took of the land anyway. The people that lived there aka the Indians had been living there sine about 20,000 years back.
Christopher and his men would make the Indians work. If they did not find enough gold or luxuries they would get their hands chopped off instantly. As the Spaniards would rape the female natives not knowing how dangerous it was. On their way back to the old world they brought more than just luxuries to the Old World but diseases as well. As these diseases got the old world is started killing people instantly. For no one knew how to cure these diseases since they didn’t even know what was happening.
Christopher Columbus is the reason pilgrims had their opportunity to live in the new world to get away from things. As they started moving to the new world they made the old world richer.
I believe Christopher Columbus is very important to American history because without him I would probably not be writing this paper about him. He discovered the land we live in now. He introduced many things that we now use to this very day. Without him a lot of things would not exist. Christopher Columbus died in 1506 at the age of 55. They said he has Reiter’s syndrome
which cause inflammation of certain organs and diarrhea. Though he was dyeing he still managed to still sail to be his heart desired. He is known of the father of the new world.