Chromatography is used to separate mixtures of substances into their components. All forms of chromatography work on the same principle that they all have a stationary phase (a solid or a liquid supported on a solid) and a mobile phase where liquid or a gas is involved. The mobile phase flows through the stationary phase and carries the components of the mixtures with it. Different components travel at different rates. In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is a very uniform absorbent paper. The mobile phase is suitable liquid solvent or mixture of solvents.
Experiment – 1
Aim – To understand about the separation of plant proteins using paper chromatography
My prediction – My prediction is that, by the end of the experiment, I will be able to observe the changes in the chromatography paper which we use also I will make a detailed investigation into it. I predict a successful experiment.
Equipment List –
Spill trays
Test tubes
Filter paper
Chromatography paper
Jar with lid - chromatography
Mortar and pestle
Chlorophyll chromatography solvent
Method –
Firstly, I had the set up my experiment with all the apparatus which was provided to me. I used a mortar and a pestle to grind to grass which was provided in order to start off my experiment. I also added some acetone to the chromatography jar to make the soft mixture and to get the liquid out of it. Suddenly, I started to see a green extraction which I poured into a test-tube. Simple filtration was the next step. So, funnel came into use along with the filter paper, I filtered the liquid into a further test tube. I had to observe carefully until all the liquid was filterized. I added chlorophyll chromatography solvent to it and then I drew a line on the chromatography paper which was provided with a pencil without placing it into the solution.
After all the solution was filtered, I used a pipette to put a single drop onto the middle of
References: CGP Chemistry AS & A2 Level