Petristan: The Seriation of Pottery Types
The state of Petristan is a vast landmass acknowledged as the subcontinent of India, spreading across the watershed of Paratha Valley in the West and Korma River in the East, with the early civilization which ranged from 2700 to 1700 B.C. Recent discoveries have asserted the notion that the early civilization of Paratha Valley has greatly influenced the formation of the Petristan state. Consequently, The Petristan State Archaeological Survey has selected 5000 sherds from eighteen probable sites by random sampling techniques in effort to investigate the proposed postulation. In principal, relative dating method of seriation has been implemented for deriving a chronological order of these assemblages for better understanding of any prominent flow of Paratha Valley influences to the initial development of Petristan state. Archaeological data suggests that the date 2200 B.C can divide the occurrence of square ended seals from rectangular ones. Assumedly, any sampled sites with the presence of square ended seals existed prior to 2200 B.C, while the rest of the sampled sites with rectangular seals existed after this particular date. Consequently, we may indicate sites dated prior to or up to 2200 B.C, and sites “B”, “D”, Garam Masala (GM), and Phul-Ghobi Lower (PGL) fits the equation since all of these sampled sites had square seals. On the other hand, rectangular seals were only found in four sites of “B”, “C”, “E”, Tiltandula (T), and Phul-Ghobi Upper (PGU). In particular, site “B” has both of the square and rectangular seals each that may suggests that the site existed prior to 2200 B.C and have the possibility to continue for some time after. In addition, Lower Phul-Ghobi (LPG) and Upper Phul-Ghobi (UPG) were radiocarbon dated back to 2450 ± 70 BC and 2100 ± 50 B.C respectively. Successively, we have determined the firm dates of