In The Chrysanthemums, Steinbeck tells a story of a married couple living on a farm. The husband, Henry Allen, works most of the day while his wife, Elisa Allen, spends most of her time tending to her garden. The couple have no children. However, in Elisa's garden she grows Chrysanthemums, which she cares for as if they were her children. During the story a stranger wanders on to the farm looking for work. He mends and repairs old pots, scissors and other items. At first, Elisa tells him that she has no work for him, but the stranger begins to tell her of a woman he had come across that has a beautiful garden but no Chrysanthemums. Elisa becomes so excited at the chance to give the man some of her flowers to give to her, that she even figures to let him do a little work. She gives him some items to fix along with some Chrysanthemums to deliver. Later that day on their way to dinner the Allens come across the flowers tossed on the side of the road. Elisa was heart-broken over seeing something she loved so much just thrown aside like garbage. To her, the Chrysanthemums symbolized her children.
In The Worker in Sandalwood Pickthall tells a story of a man named Hyacinthe. He is asked to work all night by his boss, Pierre L'Oreillard, to finish building a cabinet. But this isn't just any night, this is Christmas Eve. During the night, a stranger comes to Hyacinthe's door and asks to come in. He offers to help Hyacinthe with his work while he gets some rest. While Hyacinthe rests the stranger