K. Codella
Office SOC #128 Office hours M-TH 4-5:30, Phone 691-7633, email codellk@crc.losrios. edu.
Te test is due in D2L one week from now. For those of you who did not get a pass on the architecture section please go to D2L for instructions.
Part One: 4-5 Pages, typed, double spaced. For this section I want you to analyze a movie of your choice. Choose your own example. Be sure to pick something that you like or maybe something that you have seen a few times. Please provide me with information such as Title, Director and Year.
For the Movie you will want to answer these two questions:
1. Does your example follow the dramatic progression of Exposition, Complication and Dénouement? Be careful not to simply retell the story, analyze the story. How is it constructed, what are its parts? Is there a climactic moment? When?
2. Next analyze your film using the tools we covered in the visual arts section of the class. Can you discuss composition, color and focus? I would recommend picking a very visually compelling (i.e., you can’t take your eyes off it) scene to analyze.
Slides to study for the slide id.’s.
The Parthenon, P.87.
Interior of the Pantheon, p91.
Marin County Courthouse, P.98.
Palace of Versailles, P.100.
Chartre Cathedral, P.102.
Piazza d’ Italia, P.105.
The Guggenheim Museum, P.110.
Pont du Gard, p.96.
The Villa Savoye,