I have professionally been involved in many migration cases. I will address one. I have chosen this as it screams amongst the loudest. I have altered all names and identifying markers to comply with confidentiality.
I have had the pleasure of spending four months sharing a small part of a native Papua New Guinean ladies life. I will call her Cinderella.
Cinderella has fled her home, absconding from bestiality and severe domestic violence, leaving her three small children behind. The Oxfam organisation report confirms the frightening statistics:
“A harsh reality for many women in PNG - two out of three has experienced domestic violence and 50% have experienced forced sex.” http://www.oxfam.org.au/about-us/countries-where-we-work/papua-new-guinea Cinderella cannot go …show more content…
Lawyers representing Cinderella are appointed and applications submitted. Cinderella asked for protection. Our government refused. The government bases her refusal on her visa application: the very documents she paid for a travel agent to prepare. Cinderella is unschooled and illiterate therefore she has no knowledge of what the documents state. Our government conclude that Cinderella is a person who fabricates stories to help her cause. Thus Cinderella loses any credibility, and the Government deny her plea for