In 2006, Sherman began a series of fashion advertisements for designer, Marc Jacobs. Sherman’s earlier photos came in ten editions and different sizes. During some of her earlier works of art, Sherman would purposely dress scary and sort of deformed-looking. In the pictures at I have seen of her, Sherman never sees to look directly into the camera but rather off to the side. This could possibly make the audience question what he is looking at and why she may have the expression so does.
In 2006, Sherman began a series of fashion advertisements for designer, Marc Jacobs. Sherman’s earlier photos came in ten editions and different sizes. During some of her earlier works of art, Sherman would purposely dress scary and sort of deformed-looking. In the pictures at I have seen of her, Sherman never sees to look directly into the camera but rather off to the side. This could possibly make the audience question what he is looking at and why she may have the expression so does.