Working Title
Flexible Benefit Choices: A review of new and existing choices within the Company.
The key based mentor for this project is HR Manager of the Company. The researcher works within close proximity of the mentor as Payroll Administrator. There is a good working relationship and full support has been expressed by the mentor.
Various potential projects were discussed and the feasibility and beneficial factors to both the Company and the researcher were assessed. It was concluded that the flexible benefits choices project will benefit from the collaboration between the researcher, the Company and the supervisor.
The nature of the researcher’s role within the Company will ensure that access to, and the collection of information is within the capacity of the researcher.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the existing choices within the workplace and from the findings of the evaluation will conclude whether to keep existing choices or introduce new choices to the Company’s flexible benefit scheme.
The objective of this project is to review the existing benefit choices in time for the next enrolment process for Flexible Benefit and to determine whether the choices are still meeting the personal needs of the employees. A questionnaire will be sent to all employees and based on the answers a focus group will be set up.
The questionnaire and focus group feedback will provide the data necessary to amend or keep the choices available.
The project and the eventual recommendations will be feasible and do have a chance of being implemented. The issue of choices within the flexible benefit scheme is an organisational issue and are reviewed annually in readiness for open enrolment process. However, the review has not been on the same in-depth scale that this project is proposing.
The researcher in collaboration with the HR Manager will have the necessary resources to
Bibliography: Bell, J. (2005) Doing your Research WBP. 4th Edition. Maidenhead: Oxford University Press. Costly, C. & Elliot, G. & Gibbs, P., 2010. Doing Work Based Research: Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-Researchers. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Dawson, Dr Catherine. 2009., Introduction to Research Methods 4E. [internet]. How To Books. Available at: [ accessed 26 November 2010]