Circuit breaker
First is the circuit breaker. Circuit breaker is a switch which is designed to prevent damaging the circuit when there is over load or short circuit. But the circuit breaker works differently compare to the basic fuse. The basic fuse can just only work once and then it needed to be replace a new fuse. But the circuit breaker can is an electric switch that can be use and reuse the device just by flipping the switch.
The basic concept of the circuit breaker is that when there is when the circuit experience an unsafe current, the circuit breaker will automatically shut off the circuit.
The current flow is simple. If it works on normal situation, the current from the bottom terminal flow to the electromagnet, then again flow to the moving contact and then finally to the upper terminal. If there is a short circuit or high current flow, when the current flow from the bottom terminal to the electromagnet, the electromagnet will be strong enough to pull the switch inorder to shut off the whole system for preventing the any further damage to the circuit.
Thermal overload Relay
Beside the circuit breaker to protect the circuit, there are also other devices to protect the circuit. One of them is the thermal overload relay. From the word thermal, it has already pretty much explain the whole concept of the component. The word thermal means heat. This devices is to shut down the connection of the whole system when there is an overheat cause by sudden high current flow or short circuit. One of the most common type of relay is the bimetallic thermal overload relay. Inside the relay consist of a small heater element, which is to heat up the bimetallic