1 Stage I (also called compensated, or non progressive) - the blood pressure is greater than 100 mm, the pulse - 90-100 beats per minute;
2 Stage II (also called decompensated or progressive) – there is pale skin, cold sweat, rapid pulse (120-140 bpm), blood pressure - 70-80 mm;
3 Stage III (also called irreversible). - the patient's …show more content…
In most cases, the case of severe pump failure of the heart with a sharp decrease in cardiac output and reduced blood flow to the vital organs - brain, heart, lungs, kidneys. Often cardiogenic shock combined with severe pulmonary congestion (cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema).
* Hypovolemic (meaning that the total volume of blood available to circulate is low)- is a syndrome of severe deficiency caused by loss of blood volume. The body reacts to severe blood loss under different conditions by activating important systems - cardiovascular, renal, neuroendocrine and hematologic. Most often, hypovolemic shock occurs after a severe blood loss from trauma, lung diseases, loss of blood and plasma burns, acute pancreatitis, peritonitis other endocrine disorders, severe vomiting or