CIS 410
A mobile Application for Home Depot
This case is very interesting and can be analyzed by many different ways; it depends in which perspective you want to analyze it.
Home depot is the world’s largest retailer of home improvement and construction products and service. It was founded in 1978 in Atlanta, Georgia. At the beginning, when they first started they were more concentrated in expanding. They were forgetting about one of the most important parts in organizations, the IT and the IS. They had a weak IS, and the IT was an afterthought for years. Due to lack of IT and IS they had lagging in the IT and also had old equipment which decrease employee’s productivity. In Order for home depot to improve, they had to do critical changes and invest millions of dollars. They had to upgrade IS to improve in-store technology, improve their website in order to capture the attraction of those customer who browse online before going to the store (e-commerce). With all the money that Home depot had invested in IT/IS, they were able to buy numerous quantity of a handheld device called ‘First Phone” to replace their old in-store computers. With this device they are able to scan items while waiting in line, it also has a credit card scanner that provides a faster checkout. Also, another improvement was that from being a brick-and-mortar company they became a click-and-mortar, one of reasons were because of an app that they developed (mobile commerce).
Analyzing this case as of management of networks for distribution of information for effectiveness of organization we can say that, Home Depot being the world’s largest retailer of home improvement and construction products and service has invested a lot of money to improve their networks. By improving their networks it give them accessibility for the distribution of information through their entire organization. Since home depot is so big the distribution of information plays an
Cited: "Facebook." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Aug. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.