Assignment 2: Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function
CIS 505 Communication Technologies
Tech Class, Ph.D.
April 28, 2013
From Table 3.1, speculate why the fifth point, “Meet information requirements of management”, is in the CIO’s list of nine (9) points:
Meeting information requirements of management is a key focus for many organizations. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve how they manage information. Information is essential for any decision making process and day-to-day operation. Therefore, it is important that information is managed and disseminated properly throughout the organization. Management use information to establish policy and strategic planning. It is extremely important that organizations meet their information requirements of management. Ian Linton (2013) suggests that managers need rapid access to information to solve strategic, financial, marketing, and operational issues. Therefore, it is paramount that organizations evaluate their informational needs of management.
The operating environment of today’s organizations demands timely, efficient and effective management of information to make informed and up to date decisions. Consequently, requires readily accessible information at their disposal in order to be effective managers. If an organization is to be successful, it must be an excellent steward of data. On the other hand, technology is constantly on the rise. As it produces higher efficiency, access, and integrity with improved ways to organize and manage information. At the same time, the IT staff maintains the responsibility of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s intellectual property. To meet these needs, organizations must increase their awareness of the available criteria for evaluation of management informational needs. Information is power and must be managed properly. Organizations need to consider the latest relevant
References: Linton, I. (2013). The Role of Management Information Systems in Decision Making. Retrieved from Nichelson, B.J., Ph.D. (2013). Keeping Up With Technology. Retrieved from Stallings, W. (2009). Business Data Communications, Sixth Edition (Custom Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Whitman, M. E., & Mattord, H. J. (2010). Management of Information Security (3rd ed.). Boston: Course Technology-Cengage.