Mid-Term Exam
Fall Quarter 2014
Student Id (CIN last 4):
1. Discuss what analytics is. What analytics attempts to do, and why it is important to the decision support process.
Requirement: 1 to 3 pages, 20 Points
2. Discuss what descriptive analytics is. What tools are used to analyze the data? What are the questions addressed by descriptive analytics. What is produced as a result of descriptive analytics?
Requirement: 1 to 3 pages, 20 Points
3. Discuss what predictive analytics is. What tools are used to analyze the data? What are the questions addressed by predictive analytics. What is produced as a result of predictive analytics? Requirement: 1 to 3 pages, 20 Points
4. Discuss your term papers descriptive analytical analysis. How did you apply the knowledge learned in class to your descriptive analysis? Answer the questions “What happened?” and “Why did it happen?” as it relates to your term paper. What challenges are you facing with your paper?
Requirement: 1 to 3 pages, 20 Points
5. Discuss the following transformation process: Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Insights within the context of analytics. Once insights are achieved what is the ultimate express of analytics? Provide an example.
Requirement: 1 to 3 pages, 20 Points