
CIS Question

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CIS Question
Careers pick you
All 5 functional behaviors have to have IT (symbiotic relationship)
*You can’t value add unless you know what it is they do
Many organizations have people that serve both simultaneously ***(service and IT consulting)***
Chief information officer (CIO) –makes a lot of money, but a lot of responsibility
****SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)
****Head application developers have the hardest job
UML (Unified Modeling Language) set of graphical notations, (pictures) ***BLUEPRINT***
***UML is for outsourcing
Ex: kindle fire ad turning into chatroulette
***Thin CLIENT (like facebook)
Our job is to do business intelligence
You can hurt a business if you don’t know what they do.
ERP Advantages and Disadvantages
Business often have to re-engineer their own processes to fit ERP solutions
ERPs can be very expensive
Cost ASU $9,000 just to change their ERP to +/- grading
The ****blueprints for a program
4 stages of UML
Used Case Scenarios-are an
Object Oriented Analysis
Object Oriented Design
Sequence Diagram
**System Development Methodologies
**System development lifecycle (7 Steps) (SDLC)
Other Methodologies
Rapid Application Development (RAD) –or prototyping- is a computer system development methodology which takes a minimalist approach. Computer software developed with RAD is more or less a “develop as you go” approach which allows systems to be developed much faster than the SDLC approach, and makes it more flexible to change the requirement.
Database Definition
***Tables –consist of records, (rows) separated by columns (fields) that can be queried (questioned)
Database Structure
Database designers need to know a business. A business may have “customers”
Entity Relationship Diagram
Database is made with ERMs
***Data validation*-make sure the data coming into the database is valid.
****Databases are always distributed on a network.
Databases make sure there is no redundancy of data.
Structured Query Language [SQL]-most

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