Operating Systems
Fall 2013
Dayton Clark cissh project
Due December 4th
ID (4-digit):
In this project we implement a simple shell called, cissh. I have implemented the some of the shell, you are to complete the implementation of two features.
As is cissh can execute commands like “ls” cissh-| ls
==== ls
TAGS cissh cissh.c cissh.o cissh.output
cissh.ps cisshSingleCommand.c cisshDescription.odt cisshSingleCommand.o cisshPipe.c discussion.tpl cisshPipe.o solution.output cisshRedirectedInput.csysCallManPages.pdf cisshRedirectedInput.otestScript.txt cisshRedirectedOutput.c cisshRedirectedOutput.o
and “ls > filelist” cissh-| ls > fileList
==== ls > fileLsist
but cannot execute “sort -r < fileList” cissh-| sort -r < fileList
==== sort -r < fileList
ERROR: cissh: cisshRedirectedInput() is not yet implemented
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or “ls | sort -r” cissh-| ls | sort -r
==== ls | sort -r
ERROR: cissh: cisshPipe() is not yet implemented.
You are to implement these last two features.
Getting Started
You need to download the cissh distribution file from Blackboard. There is a zip file, cissh.zip, and the electronic version of this file, cissh.doc. Copy it to the Unix system you will use (see below). I believe that “unzip cissh.zip” will do it. This will create a directory called cissh. Enter the cissh directory and type make. This should compile cissh and run it on testScript.txt. You will notice that the redirected input and pipe features do not work.
You will need to work on a Unix-like system for this project. Here are several possibilities:
If you have access to a Linux or other Unix system, that should work.
If you have a Windows system you can install cygwin which provides a Unix-like environment on your Windows system. Here is a brief description of how to install cygwin (thanks Maor):
Author: Maor Leger
Posted date: Friday,