Human resource management is very important to all organizations. It is the expansion and execution of systems in a company to attract, and maintain high-performing employees.
There are four major challenges in today’s market which are political action and regulatory changes, economic forces, social forces and technological factor. These factors do affect the market throughout the worldwide.
The management responds to those challenges by complying with the rules and regulations set by the government. For economy, they should have proper planning and budgeting. For social factor is to having diversity training for the employees as many workers come from different cultures, race and regions. Last is by conducting IT training for those who are weak.
Learning organization is one company that obtains knowledge and rapid in thinking of new ideas for innovations.
Human resource management used Quality Control Circles by forming a small group to discuss the work-related problems. For example, provide training for employees through brainstorming. They also used Total Quality Management that concentrate to the total performance.
Question 1a)
Human resource management or in short form called HRM means the part of the management which is the process of managing issues associated to people in an organization using a controlled and systematic approach. It is also to provide direction for them to build up and maintain a high-performing workforce. In other words, HRM is a strategic approach that uses different tools means to bring people and organizations together so that the strategic needs of the organization’s business can be achieved. The examples of the tools includes focusing on hiring of new employees, health and safety, benefits, training, performance management and many others as well to the employees.
Some of the major challenges to HRM in today’s market are political action and regulatory changes, economic forces, social forces and
References: Taina Savolainen (2011) Dynamics of Organizational Learning and Continuous Improvement in Six Sigma Implementation. Retrieved from: [Accessed 20 July 2011] Wikipedia (2011) Six Sigma. US: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved from: [Accessed 20 July 2011] Praveen Gupta (2005) Quality Digest. Six Sigma in Human Resource. Retrieved from: [Accessed 20 July 2011] Adams Six Sigma (2003) Benefits of Six Sigma Retrieved from: [Accessed 20 July 2011] The Global Voice of Quality (2009) Total Quality Management Retrieved from: [Accessed 19 July 2011] Free Management Library (2009) Total Quality Management. Retrieved from: [Accessed 17 July 2011] Six Sigma Online (2011) Quality Control Circle Retrieved from: [Accessed 17 July 2011] Wikipedia (2011) Knowledge Management US: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved from: [Accessed 16 July 2011] KIKM (2005) What are the Benefits of Knowledge Management Retrieved from: [Accessed 16 July 2011] Ann Macintosh (1999) AAAI Spring Spring Symposium Series. Knowledge Management Retrieved from: [Accessed 16 July 2011]