Do you think that citizen journalism is a good way to report news? Can it substitute traditional news media?
Write an argumentative essay using the resources you have to argue your position. Explain your argument and prove it using the articles given to you, you might use couple of them. Argue either for or against citizen journalism.
Take into consideration the following:
1. your essay should be at least 5 paragraphs of 300-400 words.
2. Write a clear thesis statement and clear topic sentences.
3. Include at least three in text citations.
4. Make sure that you use a variety of supporting details in order to prove and support your opinion.
out line construction for the essay main topic intro paragraph:
3-thesis statement first paragraph :topic key word
1-topic statement
2-support statement 1 (key word)
3-support statement 2 (key word) paragraph 2:topic key word
1-topic statement
2-support statement 1 (key word)
3-support statement 2 (key word) paragraph 3:topic key word
1-topic statement
2-support statement 1 (key word)
3-support statement 2 (key word) conclusion paragraph: conclusion statement
1-support statement
2-support statement