our gifts are needed in the community. The City Theatre also provides recreations such as plays, which are in charge of the best actors from the Home of the Actors. The quote you see below is our moral code for life. This is what we believe as a society, and we remember our purpose in life by saying it each day. We believe that all people should be happy to live amongst their brothers and sisters, as by serving others can one truly find happiness. Humankind shares all collective knowledge, for we know all things that exist with us. There is no reason why not to trust the great WE, because we are all intertwined within the community. Therefore, we should take pride in our efforts to eliminate evil.
The Palace of the World Council is the body of all trust and truth, and a free vote decides if a law should pass. All humanity must be alike, and we strive to be like everyone else. Have you ever felt alone in this world, and that there is too much evil to fight against by yourself? If so, then we are here to help you. We are a Collective Society based on the concept that we as humans are impure. Humans have shown their evil through the abundance of wars that have happened throughout history. Luckily, we have found a reliable way to get rid of our evil. By, giving ourselves up for the common good of others, we can come together to form a safe society that is absent from sin. Our sole purpose in our self-sustained society is to serve the state for the great WE. The great WE consists of all Mankind, all of our knowledge, and all our wisdom. The creation of our society began during the Unmentionable Times, when our brethren fought against the Evil Ones. With our numbers, we rose superior and we released a great fire upon them, burning all things evil with them. During the Dawn of the Rebirth, we discovered that all men are one, and no will can save a man unless all men come together as