From adolescence to adulthood Alexander Cold has experienced every aspect of this journey. At the beginning of the book Alex was a very immature boy. He was very appreciative of all the work that his dad did for him and his sisters. Alex has matured throughout the whole book he has went from being a immature, moody young boy who did not see the good things that his family did for him. Now that he has matured he sees how lucky he is. Alex Cold seems to be in shock. “ For a few seconds, Alex stood frozen, stupefied, not taking in what he saw” -9. Alex’s mothers situation finally hits him. He now understands how serious her sickness is, now that she has no hair. He walks in on his father cutting his mother’s hair off of her head. Something in my opinion would be a very eye opening experience. Knowing your mother is sick is one thing, but the second you finally start to see the side effects taking control, fear kicks in. In Alex’s case; tears, anger and frustration. “ Then, systematically, he set about destroying everything in his room.” -10. “Is mom going to die?” -13. This is when the fear happens. He is very scared about losing his rock, his everything, his support. He then goes on to talk about how much his mom means to him and how she always seems to have everything together. Also, how he loved to hear her sing Italian, but now that she is sick she can't even get out of bed. And now he finds out that he will be going to live with his Grandmother, Kate and that the both of them will be going on a trip to the Amazon! All these obstacles are making Alex mature quickly. When Alex is describing Kate he tells different stories about how harsh she is. Also, how she is not like a regular grandmother “With a grandmother like mine, I don't need enemies” -16. He’s talking about how Kate puts him in danger and is unlike a normal caring grandmother. For example, when Alex shows up in New York she figures that he needs some survival skills and
From adolescence to adulthood Alexander Cold has experienced every aspect of this journey. At the beginning of the book Alex was a very immature boy. He was very appreciative of all the work that his dad did for him and his sisters. Alex has matured throughout the whole book he has went from being a immature, moody young boy who did not see the good things that his family did for him. Now that he has matured he sees how lucky he is. Alex Cold seems to be in shock. “ For a few seconds, Alex stood frozen, stupefied, not taking in what he saw” -9. Alex’s mothers situation finally hits him. He now understands how serious her sickness is, now that she has no hair. He walks in on his father cutting his mother’s hair off of her head. Something in my opinion would be a very eye opening experience. Knowing your mother is sick is one thing, but the second you finally start to see the side effects taking control, fear kicks in. In Alex’s case; tears, anger and frustration. “ Then, systematically, he set about destroying everything in his room.” -10. “Is mom going to die?” -13. This is when the fear happens. He is very scared about losing his rock, his everything, his support. He then goes on to talk about how much his mom means to him and how she always seems to have everything together. Also, how he loved to hear her sing Italian, but now that she is sick she can't even get out of bed. And now he finds out that he will be going to live with his Grandmother, Kate and that the both of them will be going on a trip to the Amazon! All these obstacles are making Alex mature quickly. When Alex is describing Kate he tells different stories about how harsh she is. Also, how she is not like a regular grandmother “With a grandmother like mine, I don't need enemies” -16. He’s talking about how Kate puts him in danger and is unlike a normal caring grandmother. For example, when Alex shows up in New York she figures that he needs some survival skills and