‘Inequality’ refers to the unequal distribution of valued social resources within a society or between societies (Blakeley et al, 2009, Page. 24). Throughout this essay I will be drawing from what I have learned from the study materials to describe some of the inequalities on City Road in Cardiff. I will be looking at the younger community compared with the elderly, the contrast between the pedestrian and driver priorities, and finally the inequalities created by the different businesses on City Road.
City Road has a considerable youth population. Not only is there the Cardiff Tertiary College, which opened in 1994, contributing to the influx of students during the day, there is also a great number of bars, fast food outlets, and restaurants which line the street and attract younger crowds during the evening. One such example is Nof’s Hawaiian themed …show more content…
Trying to combat this vehicle dominance naturally leads to inequalities between drivers and pedestrians. This is no more apparent than when we consider the everyday material objects located on the street. Rodney Berman explains how the high number of tall bollards are there to stop motorists driving onto, or parking on the pavement, how the islands have been put in the middle of the road, as well as controlled crossings, to help make it easier for pedestrians to cross, and how there are parts of the road painted red to stop motorists driving into certain areas (Material lives, 2009, scene 1). These examples show how social resources are distributed in favour of one social group over another, in this case to impose more control over the vehicles and therefore provide the pedestrians with more safety and