• How can I be a better/effective tutor?
• How can I better relate to the students I work with who are a different race than me?
• How can I implement positive reinforcement and disciplinary actions?
• How should a conversation be carried out when a student is seeking to bring harm to their school, peers, or self?
• How can I build a student-tutor relationship and balance both humor and work time?
Some corps members feel they can’t fully connect with a student from a different race and it creates a barrier when trying to understand their social/emotional/educational needs.
Team Building:
• How can I confront a corps member on my team with a problem or concern, if I don’t feel comfortable talking to that person?
• How can I feel more comfortable with being the only male on an all-female team?
The team is working well together. Although a corps member from our team is no longer with us, we are growing stronger as a team. The team could use a lesson/activity on: respecting each other, keeping sarcasm at a minimum, being professional/polite during a meeting, and being patient and allowing someone to finish their sentence/thought before commenting.
LACY/Professional Development
Since current corps members cannot return for a second year, corps members should research other educational/professional opportunities. Some corps members have shown a slight concern regarding next year and have expressed some frustration regarding their next step in life as it relates to their future career/educational